Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan goes inside your mind and leaves a gem of a film to keep you thinking
Christopher Nolan has established himself as one of the best directors of our time. Along with The Coen Brothers and Guillermo Del Toro, Nolan keeps on making movies that leave you with a lot to think about. He did it with Memento, The Prestige, Insomnia,and The Dark Knight. But in terms of leaving an impression, none of those films top Inception. Inception goes where few movies have gone before, by creating an entirely new science and technology for you to soak in. However some people may find that it does it's job a little too well. It could easily be found too complex and confusing for people who aren't used to these kinds of movies. But I personally really enjoyed it. It's one of the most original films I've seen in years and really did leave an impression on me.
The Good
- It drawssomewhat from movies like The Matrix and Dark City, but does it in a way where it isn't just flat out stealing from them
- The storyand effects are very original and grabbing
- All of the characters are interesting, well written, and overall very likable
- The castis perfect, without a single bad performance. The standouts being Marion Cotillard and Joseph Gordon Levitt
- The special effects sequences and cinematography are eye candy
- The script is well written, without any really hokey lines.
- The movie keeps you thinking about the seperation between dreams and reality
- There's a great deal of suspense throughout the movie that's handled really well
- The way that the science of the dream world is explained actually make sense
- It's a big step up from the other live action movies we've gotten this summer
The Bad
- There are a couple of minor details that go unexplained
- It drags on at points
- A lot ofpeople will definitely be confused by it at first
The Ugly
- Absolutely nothing
Overall, Inception is a movie that's not for everyone, but I really enjoyed it, and it's easily one of the best movies this year.
Letter Grade: A-