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Fantastic Mr. Fox Review

File:Fantastic mr fox.jpg

Fantastic Mr. Fox isn't quite as fantastic as you'd think

What happened to claymation? It was popularized by Wallace & Gromit and Chicken Run, and then it just sort of vanished. But when it was annouced that there was going to be a claymation based on a Roald Dahl book, I was pretty interested. What came out of that was Fantastic Mr. Fox, a movie that showed us that claymation is still a possibillity in the world of movies. What really lured me this movie was the cast. George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, Willem Dafoe, the list just keeps going. It's actually pretty hard to review this movie, because it wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, but it certainly wasn't bad. I was expecting the comedy to be a little more clever, and for the plot to make a little more sense. The movie was actually pretty weird. There are about a million needless close ups, and none of the characters were interesting at all. The best character was probably The Rat who was voiced by Willem Dafoe, and he barely did anything. I can't give this movie too much heat seeing as it is a kid's movie, but it's really bizarre. The animation was really impressive and did use "Street Fighting Man" by The Rolling Stones in one scene, which earns you some points in my book. To sum it up, Fantastic Mr. Fox is worth seeing.
