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My Wits End and 4 Good Reasons Why I Think PS3 is Superior to Xbox

Hello all, I would just like to start off this entry with a couple of updates. First of all, I have a new avatar! For those of you who don't watch Saturday Night Live or mainly the older SNL episodes, my new avy is of Chris Farley as the "motivational speaker" Matt Foley. It's hands down my favorite SNL sketch of all time and I watch it over and over again practically every day. Also, for my fellow PSN gamers, in a few weeks, you won't be seeing me online very much, for I will finally have...

Yes siree! My long wait for Mass Effect 2 will be over by the end of February, I CAN'T WAIT! And because of this, those of you whom I've played Little Big Planet 2 and Black Ops with will have to find someone else to pwn for a while :P. Which brings me to my next topic...

I HAVE HAD IT! I've gotten so sick of Black Ops' online multiplayer! I still like the single player campaign and the zombies can still be fun, but now, there is nothing enjoyable about the online mode anymore. And there's lots of reasons for that. First, no one is out for anyone but themselves. There's no element of teamwork to this game anymore, and there was barely any to begin with! Second, EVERYONE CHEATS! Not a single person plays fair anymore, it's just nothing but grenade launchers and campers now. Third, there are better multiplayer games out there now like Little Big Planet 2. If you've got a PS3, don't waste your time with Black Ops, get Little Big Planet 2 and experience what online multiplayer is supposed to be like. And thefourth reason is just personal for me, but it's started to get kind of boring. It justseems like nothing really changes anymore andthere isn't any variety left in it. I know that @dylan417 went through this a while back, andnow I can really understand why. I'm at my wits end with the multiplayer, but I still get a lot of enjoyment from the campaign and zombies.

And now to close this one off, I'm going to end a feud thathas plagued the gaming world fora few years now. I'm finally going to stop this war withonly four bullets. These are four good reasons as to why I think the PlayStation 3 is superior to the Xbox 360.



Now I've owned both an Xbox 360 and a PlayStation 3. And both have had their benefits. I had my Xbox for about a year until I gave up on it and now I've had my PS3 for a little over half a year, and the PS3 hasn't shown any signs of malfunctioning, whereas the Xbox was occasionally freezing after one month. And after a few months itgot even worse when the 360 started heating up. I swear, I could've fried an eggon that thing. I personally never got the "Red Ring of Death" but I have friends who have and the PS3 has novariation of the Red Ring whatsoever. I think that it's a fact that when thousands of Xbox's around the globehave the same deadly malfunction, and the PS3 doesn't have any kind of widespread problem, that shows that in terms of reliability andstrength, Sony has got Microsoft beat by lightyears.



Now I'm going to be honest, while PlayStation Network is free, Xbox Live is an overall better online service. It's stronger and it has more people registered. BUT PSN IS STILL FREE! Just because Xbox Live is a better server doesn't mean that PSN is bad for online, the online community for PlayStation is still enormous and in many ways it's just as good as Live, it really isn't any different besides the fact that Live has stronger connections. But honestly, what would you prefer, an overall better connection and a bigger community that costs around 25 to 50 dollars, or a slightly less reliable and somewhat smaller online experience, but you don't have to pay a cent for it?



Now, this one is just a shoe-in. Xbox's exclusives are Halo, Fable, Alan Wake, Mass Effect 1, Gears of War, and Left 4 Dead. Which is a pretty good list of games to be honest. Now let's look at PlayStation's haul. Uncharted, God of War, Metal Gear Solid, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Demon's Souls, Heavy Rain, Killzone 2, Twisted Metal, MAG, and Resistance. That sounds just a little bit lopsided to me. But that's just me, and for people who are more into adventure games such as myself, there really isn't any contest between the two, it's PS3 all the way.



Being a massive movie buff, this is what really seals the deal for me. And it should for anyone who's going to use their system for watching movies and TV shows as well as gaming. Blu-Ray is absolutely stunning, and it's something that no one should miss out on. And what really makes this a great addition to the PS3 is that it enhances all of the games' graphics into Blu-Ray quality and because it comes installed into the PS3, you're getting two of the best entertainment devices on the market for the price of one. Blu-Ray has completely changed the way that movies are watched, and if you're trying to decide what system to get, this is the best kind of icing on the cake.

And those are my four reasons as to why I think the PlayStation 3 is superior to the Xbox 360, and remember, this is entirely my opinion, if you think that Xbox is better, I respect your opinion and I encourage you to write about why you think that the 360 is better. Heck, you might even think that the Wii is the best system right now, it's entirely your choice!

Until next time,


Song of the Day:
Passion Pit - Sleepyhead

Picture of the Day: