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PS3 owners... I envy you

Now, I gave a rating to a Playstation 3 game; inFamous. But I don't own a PS3, I've got a 360, a PS2, and a really crappy PSP. But to those of you who own a PlayStation 3... I'm just jealous of you. I'm flat out jealous. You guys get The Joker mode on Batman: Arkham Asylum, insane graphics, and of course... Metal Gear Solid 4! I played it at a friend's house and I loved it, but I can't get it, because I don't have a PlayStation 3. Now I've played all of the Metal Gear games, I love them, and I almost always play as Snake when I play Super Smash Bros. Brawl at another friend's house. So, I'm just gonna say it again, I envy all of those with a PS3, I don't hate you, I just envy you.