I love watching trailers for movies and games. These days, the trailer is about the most important thing when it comes to advertisementin both medias. But seeing as this is GameSpot, I've decided to conduct my list of the Top 10BestGame TrailersOf All Time, and this doesn't really include what I think of the game, thislist is specifically judged on the trailers, not the game's themselves.
Batman: Arkham Asylum- Villains Trailer
As all of you should know, Batman: Arkham Asylum is without a doubt one of the best games ever. It's one of the only two games on GameSpot that's actually gotten a perfect score from me. And this trailer was definitely one of the things that made me want to play it the most. It's really eerie and creepy while also being pretty in your face and intense, which is pretty much exactly like the game itself. The first part of it with the files of the villains popping up is really intimidating, and the end of the trailer with Killer Croc is enough to make any grown man wet themselves, what more could you ask for from a game trailer that's set in an insane asylum?
Assassin's Creed 2 - Launch Trailer
The great thing about this trailer is that it's able to completely suck you in through only two things; the atmosphere and the devastatingmoves that Ezio displays. A lot of trailers have a tendency to be like commercials for restaurants, where the food looks way better than it really does. A lot of trailers look better than the actual games do, but Assassin's Creed 2 is one of the few cases in which themasterful visuals of the trailer match those in the game.It also has a lot of honesty to it, it's not trying to cut any corners by giving you false hopes, it really sums up the entire game in less than two minutes and yet it still leaves you wanting desperately to play it.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - Trailer
Okay, let's just cut to the chase shall we? Uncharted 3 is going to be an absolute masterpiece and everyone with at least two brain cells in their mind will understand it's genius. And at the moment the only real proof of how incredible this game looks is the gameplay footage from Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and this trailer. And the trailer alone is enough to makeanyone want to dig endlessly around theirhouse for sixty bucks and floor itto the nearest GameStop to pre-order it. The visuals are outstanding, the passage read by Nathan Drake is captivating, and the little gameplay footage at the end looks the same as the last two games, but hey...that's not at all a bad thing.
Battlefield: Bad Company - Release Trailer
Everyone's seen this trailer a million times. Not specifically this one, but this kind of trailer.You've got your typical deep bada$$ voice introducing you to an elite military force, and then he says "these aren't the guysI was just talking about" and we fall into acyclone of explosions of jokes.Let's face it, we see this trailer a couple of times every year at movie theaters. But that's what makes this trailer so great, no one ever takes this approach towards a video game trailer. And unlike a lot of the jokes used in the movie trailers, the ones here are actually pretty funny, because if you've played the game, you know how intense it can be.I still consider this to be one of the most underrated games ever made and if you're not interested in getting it after you watch this trailer, then I don't knowwhat your deal is :P.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - E3 Trailer
Yeah, once again Nathan Drake pops up on the list, surprise, surprise. But how could this trailer not be on here? It's just SO insanely awesome! And just like with the Bad Company trailer, you see this kind of thing all the time in movie trailers, but it's never done with this much swagger and smoothness while still keeping you on the edge of your seat. And I'm convinced that the name of this video should be"Nathan Drake Is Awesome Trailer" because not even the game itself makes Nathan Drake look so cool! It's probably just the way that the one-liners are edited together, but his awesomeness is multiplied by ten here. And I thought that was impossible!
Modern Warfare 2 - Reveal Trailer
For those of you who think that Modern Warfare 2's story was lazy and just an excuse for weapons on multiplayer, take a look at this and tell me that it doesn't make you want to know what this is all about. This trailer is packed with the best action from the game and is narrated by friggin' Makarov, who's slinky Russian brood is enough to make Captain Price tremble... well not really but you know what I'm talking about :P. And this trailer really shows you that whilethe multiplayer iswhat made Modern Warfare 2 the blockbuster that it was, it really did have an intense and gripping campaign, which really is the centerpiece to any great video game.
Duke Nukem Forever - Debut Trailer
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not a massive fan of The King. I've just never really gotten into the over-the-top antics of the game world's gum chewing messiah. But... Duke Nukem Forever looks too awesome to ignore. And the reason why I say that, is entirely because of this trailer. It's just SO ridiculous on every level, but that's what makes it great. All of the one-liners and jokes work, and really feels like we're going to be getting a legitimate Duke Nukem game here.
Red Dead Redemption - Launch Trailer
Gee, bet none of you saw this coming :P. Yeah, well the launch trailer for Red Dead Redemption was stunning, and had they not put the rating information before the video, then I would have no idea that this was a game because lets face it... this could very easily be a movie trailer! The great voice acting, wild music, and every other little thing about this trailer is pitch perfect. I would keep raving about it, but seeing as this game has been on every single one of my video game related countdowns, I think that I've said just about everything that I can.
Little Big Planet 2 - Debut Trailer
This might be my favorite thing in the world right now. Little Big Planet 2 is just such an awesome game and it comes with one of the best trailers in the history of mankind. With it'sbeautiful footage, great visuals, and promises about the ever growing world of Little Big Planet, this trailer does nothing wrong at all. And to top it all off, Sleepyhead by Passion Pit as the background music, which is such a great song, and it fits in perfectly with the atmosphere of both the trailer and Little Big Planet 2 itself.
Song of the Day:
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
Picture of the Day: