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The Top 10 Best Simpsons Guest Voices

I love The Simpsons. Who doesn't? I've decided that it's time to pay homage to the celebrities who have lended their voices and images to be on America's funniest cartoon.

(A lot of these are musical acts)

10. The White Stripes

When Bart becomes a drummer, there's a sequence in which he plays "The Hardest Button to Button" and seeing as they wrote it, The White Stripes start chasing Bart and eventually they fall into a river.

9. Weird Al

Weird Al has been on the show 3 times. My favorite is when he parodies Homer's grunge song in the episode "That 90's Show".

8. Magic Johnson

The man who perfected the phrase, "pull a Homer"

7. Ray Romano

He was Homer's imaginary friend who turned out to be real.

6. Mark Hamill

Homer becomes Mark Hamill's bodyguard and protects him from the mob.

5. Barry White

Barry White uses his deep voice to save a bunch snakes, that's just cool.

4. R.E.M.

The gods of alternative rock played at Homer's own personal bar and then showed up for Thanksgiving at Moe's.

3. James Taylor

He's supposedly the nicest man in music. Until he curses out Homer.

2. Johnny Cash

He appears as a coyote in one of Homer's dreams... just go with it.

1. David Byrne

The leader of Talking Heads produces and co-records Homer's song "Everybody Hates Ned Flanders", he then sings the extended salsa mix of the song and gets thrown onto Moe's car, at that Moe says "You ever see the movie Misery?" "No." "Then this'll be a whole new experience for ya."