It's no secret that video can be really disturbing. It's just a fact of nature, fish live underwater,plants need sunlight, and video gamesare messed up. But what are the freakiestthings that gaming has exposed us to? Well, I'm here to answer them now with my list of the Top 10 Most Messed Up Moments In Video Game History.
The Alternate Ending (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)
Now this is a different kind of messed up moment. This isn't a violent and ridiculously gruesome kind of disturbing, this is more psychologically disturbing. At the end of The Force Unleashed, the player gets the option of choosing between who to fight for the final boss battle. You can choose the canonical path, which is The Emperor. Or you can choose the ending that leads you away from the rest of the Star Wars saga, and writes it's own story. This happens if you choose to continue your duel with Darth Vader, and when you kill Vader, The Emperor kills all of your allies and crushes you with your own ship. But he then revives you and explains his plan to basically turn you into another Vader, brainwashing you into doing his every demand and leaving you with none of your own choices. The game then ends then final touches of the brainwashing being completed as syringes are thrust into the main character's face. Now there are multiple messed up things with this. First of all, the fact that literally everyone dies but you and The Emperor. Second, that The Emperor is going to do exactly the same thing with you that he did with Vader, which is just to hunt down jedi until your worn down.
The Power of the Atom (Fallout 3)
Fallout 3 has a lot of messed up stuff in it, and while a lot of you probably think that this game has a lot worse to offer, I understand why. But let's look at this for a minute. The Power of the Atom is aside-quest in which you have the option of either disarming the bomb in the town of Megaton, or rigging itto explode. The only really messed up option is of course when you rig it blow. You're asked to do this by a man named Mister Burke, who's been hired by Alistair Tenpenny (the richest man in the Capital Wasteland), to destroy the town in order to make the wastes more pleasurable. That alone is pretty messed up. But thenonce you have blown up Megaton, Tenpenny rewards you with a hotel suite and constant access to Tenpenny Tower. And your character's karma levels plummets and you're constantly being attacked by law enforcement and refugees from the explosion. And it's even worse when you go back to Megaton's location and all that's left is a cloud of radiation and the melting deputy weldat the front entrance.
The Beauty andThe Beast Unit (Metal Gear Solid 4)
Okay, not only are all four of the members of the Beauty and The Beast Unitcreepy, but they're just downright disturbing. They'rea team of four young women with horrific pasts who've been stuck fighting in this mechanized forms. In terms of overall appearance, Laughing Octopus and Screaming Mantis take the cake.Both of them are just flat out scary seeing as Laughing Octopus can blend into her environment perfectly and can impale people on her tentacles. Screaming Mantis is scary because she can control everyone around her in an almost god-like way. And both the laugh of Octopus and the scream of Mantis are scary. But once you get past their overall looks,you have their backstories, which are told to you by Drebin whenever you defeat one of them in a boss fight. For that, Crying Wolf blows the other three out of the water. The story is really long and complex, but let me just say, it keeps you thinking after you've heard it.
"Would You Kindly?" (BioShock)
I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but if you've played BioShock then you know what I'm talking about. Othr people may not find the whole "would you kindly" thing to be all that messed up, but I personally find it to be really psychologically twisted. That's about all I can say about it because I don't want to give anything away.
Sneak Attacks (Call of Duty: Black Ops)
Every Call of Duty game has it's moments of tactical espionage and times in which you have to take down your opponents with a close cornered attack. But as you could guess by the title of the game, Black Ops is definitely the heaviest supplier of sneak attacks. And all of the sneak kills in this game are just brutal. Most of them result in cinematic moments after you've pressed the appropriate button which then shows a short clip of some really messed up takedowns. The two that most people will probably remember for a while are when your trying to rescue Weaver alongside Woods and you use this curved knife that you stab into an enemy soldiers' brain :?. The other isn't a cinematic one, but it's still messed up. It's when your in the rat tunnel in Vietnam and Swift is killed by the Vietnamese soldier (as shown above in the picture).
Interview Tapes (Batman: Arkham Asylum)
Now, most of these really aren't that messed up. These tapes can be found in random locations around Arkham Asylum and they give you a more in-depth look at the major villains of the game, such as The Joker, Killer Croc, Scarecrow, Harley Quinn, etc. All of those are pretty creepy, but what puts the interview tapes so high on the listis becauseof two of the villains, The Riddler andVictor Zsasz. There's only one of The Riddler's that's really messed up, but it's just SO freaky that you can't stop thinking about it. And all of Zsasz's are just down right scary. I mean, you hear him talking about how killing a bunch of women was doing them a favor, you hear him tell a doctor about his plans to stalk her, and in the last tape, you hear him attack a guard with a knife! That's just f****d up!
No Russian (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)
I'm not gonna spend much time talking about this, because I'm sure that all of youare sick of hearing about this missionfrom Modern Warfare 2. All I'm going to say about it is that it's really messed up, but it's also really thought provoking and it keeps you thinking about it. Honestly, I think that people are making too big a deal out of it, seeing as people havethe option to either skip that level or not even fire on the crowd, but I'll let people have their own opinions about this.
The Lizard Trial (Heavy Rain)
This messed up moment doesn't really need a lot of explanation either. Just the description of it is enough to makeanyone put it on a list of the most messed up gaming moments. This is when Ethan Mars is forced to cut off his own finger in order to save the life of his son, and while you don'tsee the actual amputation, you cansee Mars suffering and hear his agony-filled screams. Ithink you can figure out by yourself why this is so messed up, and why it got the number three spot.
Dismemberment (Call of Duty: World at War)
Yeah, I know, there are a ton of games out there thatfeature the dismemberment of body parts andstuff like that. But the reason why I think that the most messed up example of that is from World at War is because no one saw it coming. Games like God of War andFallout are naturally full of dismemberment, but this is a Call of Duty game! The series hadnever gone this violent before, and I honestly think that the gore in World at War is way more disturbing than that of other gory games. I don't know ifI"m the only one out there who thinks that, butjust having the ability to shred off your enemy's limbs or head and leaving them there twitching in agony with their ribs exposed or all of the splintering bones in their legs while they die aslow and painful deathis really messed up to me!
Babies (Dead Space 2)
Now, one could argue that this entire list could've been madeup of nothing but things from Dead Space and Dead Space 2, but no matter what, everyone should agree on the fact that the most messedup thingthat the games have to offer and what video games in generalhave to offer, are the baby necromorphs from the second Dead Space game. Just look at that picture and tell me that isn't the most disturbing thing ever. But the one thing thatseals the deal for this getting the number one spot is thebaby that explodes in it's mother's arms leavingthe windows of her cellcompletelycovered in her blood. That alonedeserves a top three spot on this list, but ofcourse, there's more than one of these little hellspawns out there, so I think that the babies from DeadSpace 2 are more than deserving for the number one spot on this list.
Song of the Day:
Kings of Leon - Pyro
Picture of the Day:
P.S. I highly recommend Smosh's videos on YouTube to those of you who haven't seen them yet, they're hilarious ;)