Well folks, it's been quite some time since I did a big multi-blog countdown. And I figured that I should make up for that lost time by doing my biggest countdown yet. That is if you consider a Top 70 list to be big. But what I could possibly count down 70 of? Well ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
That's right folks! I'm covering the broadest category of all; characters! If the character is a work of fiction, then they could show up on this list! It's completely unpredictable! You'll see characters from literature, film, comics, andvideo games! The possibilities are endless!So without further ado, let's get started with numbers 70-61!
Hellboy (Hellboy Comics & Movies)
Like most people, I was introduced to everyone's favorite demon through the Guillermo Del Toro movies that came out in the past decade. And I instantly fell in love with the big red monster. He's destined to destroy the world, but keeps fighting it by sawing off his horns and fighting the supernatural. And while he does have an understanding of how potentially dangerous he is, he still has a lot of fun. He loves beer, Baby Ruth bars, and TV. And all while kicking paranormal a** with his arsenal of over sized weapons and his boulder of a right hand. What's not to love?
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
In a world of all magical inhabitants, you've really got to earn your right to be smoothest and coolest guy around. And Sirius Black takes everyone else to the cleaners. And to tell the truth, he's really the only bada** in the Harry Potter universe. The second closest would have to be his friend Remus Lupin, but Sirius still takes the cake for coolness among wizards. First off, he's played by Gary Oldman, which gives him a pretty big advantage. But as it's revealed in the books, Sirius is really the only person in the wizarding world who really seemed like a normal teenager. Heloved motorcycles and hot chicks, which youdon't really get fromany of the other characters. Hee's also very down to earth despite being, you know... a wizard. What else can I say? He was one in a million, and for that, he's my favorite Harry Potter.
Mattie Ross (True Grit)
Having read the book and seen both movies, I have a really strong appreciation for this character. Mattie Ross is a fourteen year old girl whose father is murdered, and she seeks revenge by hiring the aging Marshal Rooster Cogburn, while also getting the assistance of Texas Ranger LeBoeuf, to hunt down her father's killer, a slow witted alcoholic named Tom Chaney. Despite being surrounded by quite a few colorful characters, Mattie is still the most interesting and well written. She has such an extreme level of determination that everybody wishes they could possess, but no real person could really have. And that's what makes her so fascinating and original. The original book and the 2010 Coen Bros. movie have a very bitter ending, while the 1969 movie ends like any other traditional western. And while it really is kind of despressing, the more bitter ending just makes Mattie an even more interesting but tragiccharacter.
Landon Ricketts (Red Dead Redemption)
One of the biggest themes of Red Dead Redemption is modernization, and how the world changes with time. And the one character that refuses to let time swallow him is Landon Ricketts, the elderly gunslinger living out his final years in Mexico. While Red Dead Redemption is technically set in the Old West, it's more of the twilight years of the Old West. The Wright Bros. had already flown, motion pictures were coming into play, etc. But Landon Rickettsis the final piece of the American West that refuses to fade away. He can still handle himself in a fight, still considers himself to be the fastest gunslinger around, and plays a mean game of poker. And he's based on Sam Elliot, which just adds to his coolness.
R.P. McMurphy (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest)
I read the book One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest before I saw the movie, and in both, you're not really sure whether you like or dislike this guy. He does try to upset the dictator-like establishment that Nurse Ratched holds over the mental hospital, and he cares about his comrades, but there are some moments where you really want to not like himbecause of his behavior towards... well, everything. But this kind of makes him a stronger character. He's ultimately a hero, just not what you really expect from one. That doesn't keep him from being a good character though.
Roy Earle (L.A. Noire)
Roy Earle is actually a lot like R.P. McMurphy in the sense that you really don't know how you feel towards him. He's a corrupted cop, but he still has a sense of how to serve justice. He knows how everything works in Los Angeles and has connections to everyone. But what makes me like him so much is that he has all of the best lines in this game. L.A. Noire has barely any funny moments, but the ones that are there, belong to Roy Earle. He's just such a snarky bastard that you can't help but love him.
John Henry Eden (Fallout 3)
I decided not to use an actual picture ofhim, because I don't want to spoil his appearance for those who haven'tplayed Fallout 3.President John Henry Eden is one the best villains invideo game history, and with good reason. First off, he's voiced by Malcom McDowell. Second,for the majority of the game, almost everything about Eden remains a mystery. You can find out things about The Enclave (the remains of the U.S. government) and listen to Eden's radio broadcasts, which arejust him going on about the good old days of America, when a man's bestfriend was his dog, and baseball wasking. You can tell that The Enclaveis going to be evil from the very beginning, but when you find out Eden's master plan,things get a lot more serious. I can't really say anything else about him that wouldn't spoila lot of the game, so if you want to get the full experience, you've got to play Fallout 3. Whicheveryone should do anyway because of how great it is.
Gandalf The Grey (The Lord of the Rings)
Now this is specifically Gandalf The Grey! NotGandalf The White! Why? Because he's so much better as Gandalf The Grey! He'smore intense, but stillmore fun andmore elderly, which makes the character better. Seriously, all of the great Gandalf moments are when he's grey.But overall, what makes Gandalf great is that he's a powerful wizard with insight on everything, but he's still a clumsy and fun loving old man. Heknows exactly when there's time for work, and when there'stime for play.
Daxter (Jak & Daxter Series)
While Jak may have been the hero of the series, Daxter was easily the heart and soul. With Jak's cool smugness, we needed Daxter to give us all of the jokes and get on every other character's nerves. And he did his job perfectly. The entire series was memorable already, but Daxter made it one of the most memorable for anyone who had a PlayStation 2 in the early 2000's. And despite being a blabbering nuisance to pretty much everyone around him, he still cares about Jak, and will do anything to help his buddy out, no matter how unpleasant the situation.
Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
Tyler Durden is probably the most quotable character in movie history. And why wouldn't he be? He's the main character of Fight Club for crying out loud? I haven't read the book, so I don't know how much similarity there is between him in the book and the movie, but his strange antics and magnetic personality make him one of the most memorable characters ever. Ihonestly can't say that much else about him, Ipretty much just summed him up. He really isone of those characters that you have to see or read to believe.
Song of the Day:
Silversun Pickups - Lazy Eye
Picture of the Day: