Some Girls- The Rolling Stones
Much like many other bands in the 70's, The Stones had to find someway to compete with the growing monster that was disco. The Stones decided to fight fire with fire and use some disco-esque music on their next album. That album was Some Girls. Now, I'm not a fan of disco, and it's not a disco album, butit does have someof thatflavor to it. The album primarily sticks to theblues tinged rock that The Stones are known for. Songs like "Some Girls" and "Just My Imagination" sound like the same ole' Stones. My favorite song on this album is the opening track "Miss You", which ironically,is the most disco sounding of all the songs. Do I think of it as disco? No. But it sounds more like it than any other song on the album. I think that out of allTheRolling Stones' masterpieces, Some Girls shines the brightest. Why? I actually don't know. I don't know why I love this album, I just do. But isn't that the case with everyone?