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Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2011

2010 was a great year for video games. We got something for everyone, shooters, platformers, action, open world, RPGs, driving, the works. And 2011 has some pretty big shoes to fill, and there are already ten games that I know I'll be getting. And well... here they are!


Duke Nukem Forever

To be fully honest, I'm not a huge Duke Nukem fan. I'm just not crazy about the way that the games are executed and in the past I've just found them to be somewhat offsetting. Duke Nukem Forever on the other hand... looks no different. From the little gameplay that I've seen, it looks like the only thing that's really been changed is the fact that we've got 3D graphics now. 3D graphics that look REALLY cool though! The only reason why I want to get Duke Nukem Forever is because the visuals look really fun and I think just slaying aliens will suffice for some mindless fun.


Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to this game, but the reason why I had to put it so low on the list is because we're still not sure if it's going to come outin 2011 or really early 2012. But if it does come out in 2011 (which it probably will) I'll be pre-ordering it for sure. The concept is just really cool and Ghost Recon in itself is always a blast. And I have a feeling that we'll get some pretty deep multiplayer out of this game :D :D :D


Metal Gear Solid: Rising

This just looks flat out awesome. My favorite part of Metal Gear Solid 4 were the cutscenes in which we got to see Raiden fight, and now we get to friggin' play as him! And the trailer was awesome as well, revealing that you can cut literally anything that you come across. How cool is that? Raiden is without a doubt one of the most bada$$ characters ever created, and now that we get to play as him, he'll even more bada$$. (Metal Gear Solid 2 doesn't count)


Lord of the Rings: War In The North

Yeah, this is when my TRUE geekdom shows. But to be honest, this game looks awesome. It's a massive multiplayer RPG in which you get to design practically every aspect of your own character and then set out to do battle in Middle Earth. That's about all I know for now, but being a Lord of the Rings fan, I know that I'll be getting this.


Mass Effect 2 & 3

I've always wanted to play Mass Effect, but around the time when I was finally considering to actually buy the first two games, my Xbox broke, and so now I'm a proud owner of the muchbetter PS3 (yeah I went there! :P). And so I have to wait until January to get Mass Effect 2, and thus that counts as a 2011 release, but I'm also really looking forward to Mass Effect 3, which is also going to be a PS3 game.The graphics actually look a lot better on the PS3 and I've really started to get intoRPG's eversince I picked up Fallout 3, so I really can't wait for Mass Effect 2 and 3.


L.A. Noire

Once again, Rockstar has come up with an ingenious idea that fits me perfectly. This time around we have an open world game set in Los Angeles during the 1930's and it's entirely based off of cla$$ic film noirs like The Maltese Falcon, The Third Man, and Le Samourai. That sounds awesome, and while I don't expect it to be quite as good as Red Dead Redemption, I still expect this to be another fantastic Rockstar experience.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Literally nothing regarding Modern Warfare 3 has been announced yet, but considering the normal Call of Duty trend, I assume that we'll be seeing Modern Warfare 3 on shelves next holiday season. That's about all I can say, except that if I know the franchise well... this is be gonna epic.


Little Big Planet 2

I love the first Little Big Planet game, and this one looks surprisingly better than the first, and that's because in this one... WE GET JAK & DAXTER OUTFITS! What could be more perfect than Sackboy and Jak & Daxter in the same place? Nothing! I'm definitely getting the collector's edition of this game. It comes with 3D glasses for the game as well as an actual Sackboy and lots of free DLC stuff including the Jak & Daxter stuff as well as Ratchet & Clank, Toy Story, Tron, and lots of others. I know that sounds kind of creepy that I want a Sackboy doll but it's the truth, it would be awesome to have one.


Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Both of the previous Uncharted games have been fantastic, but this is shaping up to be the best yet. You've got improved graphics for starters (and I thought it was impossible to top Uncharted 2's graphics), a brand new story following the voyages of T.E. Lawrence in the Sahara desert, and the whole plane crash thing just looks epic. I've got a really strong feeling that this is going to the best Uncharted yet, and I'm actually predicting a 10/10 from GameSpot. Yes, I just said that.


Batman: Arkham City

Of course this was my number one! The first Arkham Asylum game is one of my all time favorites, and is one of the only two games that I've ever given a perfect rating to on GameSpot. And Arkham City looks just as good, even though it looks like we're going to be seeing less of The Joker, we've still got a great arsenal of villains to deal with including Two Face, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and the villain that's been marketed as the big cahoona of Arkham City... Hugo Strange. And like with Uncharted 3, the graphics look better than the original, which I thought was pretty much impossible considering how good Arkham Asylum looked. Just watch the Hugo Strange trailer on YouTube and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. 2011 is shaping up to be a great year for games, and Batman: Arkham City is leading the charge.


Song of the Day:
Heartbroken, In Disrepair - Dan Auerbach

Picture of the Day: