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Top 5 Lists of the decade

This was a wild decade wasn't it? But while the world was exploding, so was the entertainment business. It was a decade of triumphs, and also a decade of a lot of crappy stuff. But let's keep on the sunny side here and stick to the good stuff. Here are my top5 movies, albums, and games of the 2000's.


5. The Dark Knight

4. Public Enemies

(I know a lot of people didn't like this movie, but I loved it)

3. The Lord of The Rings Trilogy

(I find it hard to seperate the 3 movies)

2. I'm Not There

1. O' Brother Where Art Thou?


5. Room On Fire by The Strokes

4. Consolers of the Lonely by The Raconteurs

3. Sky Blue Sky by Wilco

Sky Blue Sky

2. Stay Positive by The Hold Steady

1. American Idiot by Green Day

Video Games

5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater screenshot

4. Jak II

3. Batman: Arkham Asylum

2. Jak 3

1. Battlefield: Bad Company

Battlefield: Bad Company Screenshot

I hope you enjoyed my lists, please leave comments to expressyour opinions.

Happy New Year and Decade!

Yours Truly,
