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Unveiling My Next Top 10, Decisions, and the Bittersweet Song of Black Ops

Hello all, it's been a little while since I wrote a blog, and I figured that it was about time that I got back to the old grind. This is actually a new kind of blog for me because there's no Top 10, countdown, review, or impressions, I'm being selfish this time around and just focusing on my personal life. So to those of you who were looking for another one of my rants... I'm sorry, but you won't be finding it here.

However, for those of you who do enjoy my Top 10 lists, you hopefully won't have to wait verylong for my Top 10 Movies of 2010. But that won't be your typical blazingsaddle95 countdown. No, that my friends will be...


Yes, I intend to perform my Top 10 Best Films of 2010 via video, and I haven't really gotten an opportunity to make it yet, but when I do, I'll definitely be posting it here.

But enough of that, I've got some big gaming decisions to make, and I would love you guys to give your input on my options.

I really liked the first Little Big Planet game,even thoughI haven't played it as much I probably should've, I haven't even done the online mode yet :?. I still really enjoyed it, and the sequel looks just as good if not better. But is it really worth sixty bucks? For hardcore fans of the first game it definitely is, but seeing as I'm not that hardcore, I think I should probably wait until the price drops a little on this one. Also, I don't have PlayStation Movie yet, which probably adds a lot more to the game's experience. But what really makes me want this game, is the fact that there's a Jak & Daxter pack for this game, which sounds SO amazing. Also I've heard that it can be played in 3D even if you don't have a 3D TV. So this game has lots of things going for it, but also a couple of things going against getting it opening week for me.

Yeah, I actually kind of want this. The concept just sounds soamazing and my allegiance to Batman really makes me want this... wow, there wasn't one cool word in that sentence :P. Also after having watched dome ofGameSpot's Now Playing of this gameI really want it just that I can design a character, the customization looks so ludacrisly deep. But, what's holding me back from getting this... as much as I love Batman, I've always disliked the Justice League as well as the whole intergalactic idea of the DC Universe. I like Batman solo, in Gotham City, and fighting the interesting enemies that he's been given, not dealing with the fate of the universe in a spaceship stationed outside of Earth. So, do I go with just the pleasure of a deep MMORPG? Or do I ignore it for rubbing the idea of Batman in space in my face?

Now this is the big one. This is the one game that I have absolutely no doubts about or anything holding me back from getting... except my financial situation. I'm only 15 years old and I have a summer job, so it's around this time of the year when I'm always just scrounging up money. I found out yesterday that Mass Effect 2 will cost sixty dollars when it hits shelves on PS3 this coming Tuesday. I was expecting it to be the same price as the 360 and PC versions, not twenty dollars more! But I want to get it SO badly! I don't have sixty dollars at the moment after buying my Bluetooth headset for my PS3, so I'm just trying to get money however I can. If you would like to make a donation... please do so by Tuesday :P.

Now, for just a little summary about my current online "relationship" with Call of Duty: Black Ops. I really don't know what to think about this game at the moment. I love it, I really do, but I'm just SOOOOOO streaky when I'm playing online! I'll go five or six straight matches with a great KDR and I'll get promoted and I'll but new guns and everything will be perfect, and then everything just drops. I'll have a consistent KDR below 1.00 and nothing will go my way. It just gets SO frustrating sometimes. And whenever I enter those weak streaks, it takes me forever to get promoted, and I'm so close to finally prestiging! I'm gonna keep trying, but things just really aren't looking good right now for me online.

Well, that's about it, until next time...


Song of the Day:
Around My Head - Cage the Elephant

Picture of the Day: