I am lucky that my office understands that I have problems regarding my English communication written and verbal. They also help provide materials for further practice. For the past days I have been corresponding to our clients, luckily they are not into grammar as long as they got their message through vice versa. I am happy that somehow my correspondence improves through the strict guidance of my supervisor as part of my evaluation. I am laughing out loud why do I love and easily understand stories in written form or through TV programs and movies in English but I am not that good in English. Maybe because I am fond of just scanning and scheming; Never trying to read between the lines or try to discern what's more to that words or phrases. Scanning and scheming is good once you are done thoroughly reading a material or watching a movie or TV program for reviewing purposes and not for one time only. I will have a timeline by the end of the year. I will then take TOIEC and TOEFL for testing and what I learned.