@sabretooth2066 Steam ratings are also looking very positive. In the end, a review is just one person's opinion of the game. It is a pity the power one person's opinion can have in some cases.
It has a 69% right now on Metacritic. There's three reviews between 80-90, Three reviews between 50-55. It seems like 70% is right in the middle of them all.
User score is 74%. Reviews on Steam are 85% positive, though that's using the binary Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down instead of a 1-10 scale.
I'd personally trust the 85% positive rating.
It seems if you like stealth games, it's worth the $30. That's below the usual new game price. If you're skeptical, wait a while for the inevitable Steam sale.
@matttrd @sabretooth2066 It was rather simple to get what they're saying. Try responding to the actual comment. If you have even a semblance of intelligence you can figure out the jist here.
@davidsworld3 I feel sorry for you as well. Hopefully you don't get married until you learn to stop being an asshole... way to make some wild unfounded assumption no matter how much of a chance there is you may be correct..
It would be pretty sweet if Bethesda did a GOTY Skyrim for the PS4 with high res textures for launch. Since they've stated they are done with content for Skyrim, holiday seems like a good time for an all-inclusive GOTY...
@deathshead74 How would I know if it was irrelevant if I didn't actually read it first? The only reason I say so is that cross-platform games are just not as big a difference as they were in the past.. PS3 has pretty much caught up. Hence. there probably isn't much need to do the comparisons at a further date. Paid $349.. not $600... I own all 3.. wouldn't want to part with any of them.
@chtgamer They are in the exclusive titles like Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, MSG4, Ratchet Crack in Time, etc.. You'll see them next year in God of War 3, The Last Guardian, FFXIII.. Devs aren't putting the work into the cross-platform titles to make them stand out, it's not a good return on their investment.. I think having the games play identically and look pretty much identical is about all we're going to get except for a few exceptional cases.. To tell you the truth, there isn't much difference in this test, but I found myself liking the color saturation in some of the PS3 versions better.. especially in AC2 the blacks look much blacker on PS3 which ends up making the game look better. Then again it's the reverse in MW2... overall I don't think i'd notice much at all in practice... I have the 360 version of Dragon's Age and I'm loving that game.. But.. Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 are definitely on another level graphically from this entire lot...
well they did vote a PS3 game for GOTY, Demon's Souls... (Uncharted 2 probably got runner-up) Then Uncharted 2 was voted best graphics technical (Killzone 2 was probably runner-up) Best Shooter, Killzone 2 .. (beating out MW2) Best Platformer, Ratchet & Clank.. All four of those are PS3 exclusives, so gamespot is definitely not doling out 360 love... It seems doing this graphics comparison of cross-platform games is no longer relevant if things are so close, and on top of that, the PS3 is trouncing when it comes to exclusive titles, which shows you what can really be done and how large the gap truly could be... Wait till God Of War III next year... The one cross-platform comparison I can't wait to see will be Final Fantasy XIII .. that should be interesting just because of Square's previous exclusivity on Sony hardware. The rest of these comparisons? Not really so interesting..
just another flame bait piece to get fanboys to argue in the comments. I own all 3 and the graphics are negligible in difference if you have a decent video card in your PC (I have a $80 ATI 4670 and it plays games fine at 1280x1024). It's all about how good the game is, the graphics are not worth arguing about. I mean comon, Fallout 3 is fun, MGS4 is awesome, Gears 2 i'm sure will be good.. and Peggle is damn addicting... .. Yeah i said Peggle, don't need much to run that and it's DAMN FUN.
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