- blindbsnake’s Activity
@texasgoldrush: "And no, ME3 has the best story. ME2 actually had the worst."Come on, you can do it... Repeat and repeat... Reality is not real, reality is not real... maybe someone believe you...
@texasgoldrush: "ME3 was the best written in the trilogy."Oh really? LOLLOLOLOLOL Which part you love the most? The Reapers strategy? The giant dildo deus ex solution? Maybe the glowing kid at the end...
@darkiboo: Well... Considering Bella Ramsey "Ellie"... Kaitlyn Dever "Abby" dont need to bulk up... LOLImagine a actress as Katy M. O'Brian as Abby... Now imagine her fighting Ellie... I mean, this ve...
@Sepewrath: "The goal of a sequel is to continue a story."Exactly, and ME2 never did that, that's the problem... Its not what the reapers are doing or plane to do, its what you can do, no matter what ...
@Sepewrath: "To say it was a mere side quest means you completely missed the point."Are you sure? Think about it for a second. Whats the objective of a sequel? Now, not only a sequel, but the second g...
@BLKCrystilMage: "I think most of the complaints were about how there wasn't any meaningful difference between the 3 endings."Obviously... the three endings are the same... the glowing kid choice. I k...
@Sepewrath: "But the player has to win in the end; so BW did the best they could to coalesce those two conflicting ideas."Nah... The routes to a multiple option ending are endless. All you need is a p...
"But since Mass Effect avoided most of the extra weird stuff, the ending of Mass Effect 3 never really had a chance to be good."I would be glad if it were just bad... it is the worse thing I ever saw ...
@cwilli11: It was mine too... but then ME3 happened... and ME1 and ME2 died...
@texasgoldrush: Nahh... ME2 is a great side quest from ME2... not a great second game... but anything is better than ME3... anything...
@longshank: "That the trilogy largely succeeded in maintaining that connective thread is nothing short of remarkable."I disagree... if something, it proved that it is very hard to maintain the connect...
@johnblz: "We went from Mass effect 2 and Minecraft/Audiosurf/Toribash in indies, to Life is Strange/ Death Stranding and Mouthwashing - no-gameplay, soul-less titles..."Wrong comparison. Personal tas...
@oldmanmadmax: "I don't think that killing anyone is universally wrong"Then we disagree. If we don't give value to life we become simple animals trying to survive and nothing more. Everything is accep...
@oldmanmadmax: "Right and wrong is always subjective."At some point a line must be drawn. No matter how much subjectivity you can find. Can we define that killing people is wrong? I hope so, otherwise...
@oldmanmadmax: "I didn't quite advocate for never working to bring justice. I simply said that it should be handled through democratic processes whenever possible."Don't get me wrong... I 100% support...
@zalos: "However, when faced with idiots like that guy..."I get it... when facing these kind of people (on the extreme) we tend to go to the other extreme. But that's when they win, when they take us ...
@oldmanmadmax: "How can you say that the Geralt from the games..."I was not talking in absolute terms. You know the Geralt from the books and the limitations he has on a linear narrative. Geralt from ...
@oldmanmadmax: "your assertion that even the Geralt from the books would slay the man in question"Then you didn't get me. I was talking about the Geralt from the games. I never try to define the Geral...
@olddadgamer: Big doubts about that... I don't see CDPR making boundaries on that matter. Its irrelevant for me, have to admit, but is a logical movement to give players the most amount of choices pos...
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