@firstdawn: "James Gunn was rehired after tweeting..."
When he was young and immature, he apologized and explained that he evolved from those stupid times...
"Pedro Pascal made a WWII nazi comparison with Trump supporters"
So maybe, just maybe, they should stop using Nazi ornamentations... That way may help not put everyone in the same bag... Also he made a comparison about children being in cells with children being in cells...
Gina compared Republican with Jews in the Holocaust... The joke tells itself...
@esqueejy: First of all... that's not nice... if he is a racist homophobe hate-peddler or not is not the question, he is out of the picture and it is a lost for his family and friends... Not a problem anymore so let it go...
Secondly - Enjoy "m4a5" trying to make a funny analogy with the theme in debate while forgetting the thing he is defending... So much for the liberty of speech... guess this time should have been different... Using his own words: (to be clear, your comment is hilarious because the irony will be lost on you) LOLOLOL
@qw90700: "I just don't have anything to write about them"
It makes sense... Because obviously both of us have a very defined perspective about things...
"I never changed but the world changed and the world keeps being different than me"
Funny... That's how I feel myself... Also my wife keeps saying that I´m the same guy she met, so she agrees with this view too... LOL
"you wrote "you have a ton of content" but quantity doesn't matter when it lacks quality which what matters"
Yes... but many times quality is in the eye of the person. So it is all a bit subjective. What is quality to you may not be quality to me. Or maybe, what has the stamp quality doesnt matters at all...if I dont care about that quality. Then what´s quality? How can we truly define quality? An example:
Marvel movies Vs Scorsese Movies... You can say to me that Scorsese movies are the movies that have the quality stamp, and yet I would see any Marvel movie over a Scorsese movie. Because in the end, I have way more enjoyment and fun seeing those movies. So, while I can see the quality in Scorcese movies, in the end that quality is irrelevant for me. Because quality is subjective and in my entertainment I should also have in consideration what the product provides me.
I´m not saying that everyone should see or enjoy Marvel movies. What I´m saying is that it is good to have alternatives and diversity in entertainment.
@MkScorpion4400: So... Are we going to forget that James Gunn said it was a mistake of youth and then he grown up... Are you saying that we need to wait for Gina to grow too?
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