Yeah, so, I've been gone from this little digital blog for quite a while. To be honest, although I would check Gamespot for reviews and news, I hardly ever updated my games list or of course this blog. But I've decided to get back to it becuase I once again feel the need to express my video game awareness with the empty void of the Internet (because come on, no one is going to read this anyhow).
So what's been going on you might ask?? Well sure, a lot has happened in my life in the past two years, such as this year I got married to the Beautiful Ashes, I moved out, got a dog, and my truck caught on fire. All fun stuff really.
Video game wise, well yes, things are pretty happening and going there too. For starters, I got some new killer systems like my favorite console, The Xbox 360. I also was fortunate enough to get a Nintendo Wii, a Nintendo DS, and a brand spanking new Dell XPS 710 Computer. All great for gaming, and yes, I've been busy. Especially the month of November and December.
I've gotten some great games, like on the PC I've gotten Gears of War (KILLER!), Unreal Tournament 3 (KICK ASS), and The Witcher (Awesome Story!). On the 360 I've gotten Assassins Creed (which you can now read my review). I haven't bought anything new for the Wii lately because there really hasn't been much out there for it. Well, a few months ago I got Spiderman: Friend or Foe for it and it was pretty fun.
But the last couple of days I've been going back through my collection, especially my 360 collection, and replayinga few of my favorites. Such as Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Superman Returns, and The Darkness. In the past month I think I've beaten Gears of War on the PC about 3 or 4 times.
So right now, I'm just having fun going through some of my faves on the 360, I'm sure that sometime this week I'll start yet ANOTHER new game of Gears of War on the PC, and the main game that I still want to beat is Unreal Tournament 3. I'm only off tomorrow before I go back to work, so I doubt hardly any of that will get done considering I want to watch Spiderman 3 and read some comics I bought not too long ago.
Till next time, and hopefully this time it won't be almost 2 years lol =P