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The Gods are Angry


I beat AVP2 last week. So yeah, that's good. I also bought God of War a couple of weeks ago and this past week I bought Shadow Hearts: Covenant. So that's two new games to keep me busy. I got through a good portion of God of War, but then I got stuck on this one puzzle that was really starting to make me mad, so I just stopped playing. The next day I started a new game but this time on the easy difficultily level, but I haven't gotten anywhere near where I left off. And I've been putting some good hours into SH:C, I just haven't played it since yesterday. I still have a little bit of time left tonight, but I don't know if I'll be playing any games or not. I've been in a real nasty of a BLAH mood and haven't really been feeling like playing games today. But hey, what can you do?

There aren't really any games new games out right now that I feel like playing. I know the Doom 3 expansion pack just came out, but I haven't even come close to beating Doom 3 yet. So, blah to that. Area 51 comes out this month, so that might actually be pretty good. I don't know what system I'll get it on though. Hmm. Boomshakalaka!

Okay I'm going to end this boring thing here. Goodnight.