For the past few days I've been playing around with leader rushes and I can say the brute leader is one of the easierst. Here is how I did it. First....
1: build your temple and followed by 3 warehouses.
2: send out your scout to collect as many resourses nearby as possible.
3: When your leader is released, send him atleaast halfway to your enemy's base. Remember to have your units teleport over at the leader.
4: After 3-4 brutes teleport to your leader rush his/her base. Keep making more and more brutes as resourses pile up. Your enemy by that time will most likely only have a hand full of infantry and maybe a turret or if covenant, his aswell leader.. Target those first and then go strait for the barracks/ hall.
5: As your destorying his/her barracks/ hall keep 2-3 brutes on the infantry until all is cleared and the barracks is demolished. Now he/she either will try building another barracks/hall or keep sending out warthogs, cyclops, elites one at a time to defend the base. This comes as now real challenge demolishing 'em easily. After bring in some wreiths or even more brutes and completly overwhelm him/her until the base is destoryed.
I can have a victory within 5 minutes or so and I only lost once out of like 10 matches. Yeah... I know its no real fight because you're playing what seems like an unfair match. I personally perfer a game lasting at lease 30 min to an hr. But hey its fun when looking for an easy win and someone to pown.
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