blizzmaster's forum posts
Clan CrossFire is still in a rebuilding state and is looking to expand in numbers. We are a Gamers Clan that is invalved in Xbox live, and others. We are hoping to find some kickin members here and would like everyone to take a look at out site and talk back about what you think.
Starcraft Top 200 sites ranking: 17th Channel: Op xCFx
Games: Halo 2, Halo 3, Gears of War, Battlefield 2 Modern Combat,Starcraft/Boodwar, Starcraft 2, Diablo 2/LoD, Warcraft 1-3, World of Warcraft, Counter Strike.
Leaders/Commanders: Blizzmaster, Vages1
Members: Total of 8
Date Recreated: Aug 26th 2007
Date Created: Dec 22ed 2006
The site was created by myself, and the clans founders. This is a gamers clan/guild. We are a community of gamers that have come together to enjoy gaming at its core, and to game together. We discuss games that we play and other topics. We are a very layed back group of people, who all know each other well. Everyone in this clan is a gamer, and is often active on one or anouther things. We are still working on getting enought people to start clan activitys such as awards, medals, tourneys, and other things. There are very dedicated leaders to this clan that are active and always around. We use AIM for clan online communications and live chat. If we can get enough members and support then I will be getting us a private gaming server, and also a vertello server. But things such as that take time and money. We hope to see you there and cant wait to see what people have to say.
Thank you for your time
Commander Blizzmaster
Aka ~Charles~
i would have to say that i like the Ancients the most but when it come down to power at this time in the show the Asgard have the larges fleet and the best tech. but if you wont to get tech the the Ancients are unmatched in power. if you were talking about how is the strongest at there hight of power (and before the asention thing) then it would probibly be the Asgard. becouse thay had about 10k to study Ancient tech and have probibly move past it in ways. Ohh if you are talking about over all smarts then the Ancients easy. i cant say much about the furlings becouse there is letel known about them.
Hmm if a big war were to brack out between all four of them at the hight of there tech level the the Asgard would win but the nox would not lose becouse thay would not fight and no one would be able to find them, and same gos for if it were to happen now (and i know lots of you say the Ancients would win but YOUR WRONG thay would not fight like the nox) so that leves it up to the Asgard and Furlings.
so you get my point
the Asgard would win
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