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Punishment - Week 2

I'm beggining to beleive that this punishment may actually be good for me, and yes I know its probably symptoms of my withdrawal from video games but what the hell.

Its let me experience things that I've not been exposed to because I've been to preoccupied playing videogames. Things like music, movies and yes, books. Thats the thing, I think society today beleives that just because reading is encouraged by adults means its a bad thing, and I'm here to tell you, its not. Books, especailly those based on video games and Warhammer, can provide stories with well crafted tales of brutality and violence that can entertain you in other ways that video games just can't. While I'm not saying that books are in any way shape or for better than video games, you should try picking up a book sometimes and see if you like it. If you don't, then at least you can say you tried.

Also in this week I've finally been able to uptade my music with songs from Guitar Hero (check out for free downloads). Thats the thing about Guitar Hero, it not only was a totally kick-ass game, but it introduced me to some kick ass bands that I didn't know about (like what the hell ZZ Top is). Its tracks include a great mix of old and modern day rock that are so good I would actually pay for the CD... if there was no way to get them for free that is.

Unfortunatly, I havn't been able to watch alot of movies this week because I've already watch most of the movies I own. Still, highlights for this week include one of the movie adaptations of 9/11 aptly titled The World Trade Centre. Featuring Nicholis Cage along with other stars the movie follows the strory of two Port Authority cops trapt under the rubble of the world trade center. Its gripping, emotional and I would reccomend watching it. On a sadder and quite pathetic note those I Love Lucy DVD'S may be all I have to watch this week, I pray to the gods that it doesn't happen, but I don't know if I can last the weekend with nothing two watch.

Catch up with you next week

P.S. I think I just say my neighbour dragging a something into his garage and its not garbage.