PSYCHOLOGISTS! Being a psychologist has to be one of the most crack professions ever. The only professions that come to mind that are even close to the amount of bs this job hands out are: Congress person, or a Meteorologist.
All psychologists do is listen to someone whine and complain about their lives, tell the person that they are messed up in the head, and give them medicine. A chimpanzee could do that. I don't think a job a chimp can do should get paid anything more than minimum wage. But psychologists make six digit salaries! How is that fair to someone fixing computers making 40,000 a year.
They try to tack on these names for specific "conditions" that people have. Bi-polar disorder, clinical depression, blah blah blah. Yeah everyone is messed up in the head! But for some it is in different degrees. If someone says that they are mentally fine, they are lying to you, maybe they are compulsive liars.
I think some people need to buck up and take responsibility for who they are. Not blame it on some "condition" that they have, that they take placebos for. If someone ingrained the fact that gummy-worms will make me look better into my mind, if I ate them, i would of course feel better.
But these days, people try to find anything to blame their problems on, anything else but themselves.
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