Wow I have been doing a lot of thinking about this recentlly... I have donea lot of bad things in my life and hardly any good... I am a theif,a "devils child", I get into a lot of fights (but thats not my fault, in the locker room it is very violent.), and I have no respect for authority. The only noble thing I have done lately is saved someones quad from running into a wall. :| I spend a lot of time with my best friends (twins) and we all smoke cigars or cigerettes if we're celebrating something and we're teens... surprisingly I still have not have had a sip of alcohal yet! :lol: but, most of the cigars and cigerettes we get are stolen... I am a really bad person, and the nicest thing I could do for you is work on your dirt bike. Thanks guys... I really had to get that off my head.. damn
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