I have a dream. I want to fly like a bird and get away from this world. School, work, relationship.. I feel like I am trapped in a cell. I go to school because I am told to. I amd told to get a white-collar job because that's what this society so calls "successful life". I am somewhat depressed nowadays and it is hard to break out of it. To be honest, I think I want to be depressed. Maybe I want to be miserable as hell. I listen to sad songs to make sure I stay depressed. Depression is like a highly addictive drug. Once you experience the depression, you want to stay depressed until you open up your eyes to see the real world. In my case, I think I just want to be depressed so that I can be like one of those miserable characters in movies. Some might say I am a poser and I say back to them yes I am a poser. I am a poser who seek for the comfort zone. I am a poser with many heartbreaking memories. I am a poser with a depressed human soul. I am a bird flying in the sky.
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