One of my dreams came true yesterday as my brother bought Rock Band (the whole set). I have Guitar Hero 3 but I never liked the idea of playing guitar. I went home for home just one day to play that game and I must say, I feel like I am a rock star.
My first thought, "Wow! I can create my own character!". I hated how Guitar Hero does not allow gamers to create their own characters. Anyway, I made my drummer (my brother accused me of being "sensitive" for making my drummer a girl. Does that even make sense?) and her name is Taye.
The first song I played was Creep by Radiohead and don't even ask me how I did. My brother (who played guitar) saved me twice and I ended up getting 69%. Playing drums was harder than I thought
As I played more songs, I got better and now I am at the point where I can get over 90% on medium.
Wow this turned out to one of my worst blog entries but man, I just can't think straight. Sorry if it's all over the place but you know what, I truly believe that Rock Band is one level higher than Guitar Hero 3 in few ways and just the fact that I can play drums, I shall never go back to Guitar Hero series again. The time, 4:32 PM. Rock on!