I have mixed feelings about this situation. I am happy to be back and all but, I just can't believe I decided to be back on Gamespot. It has been a while since my last blog entry and it's good to see that still many people are active.
Since my last visit, many things have changed. I am finally a fan of Apple and I just can't live without my apple products.
My New York Giants won the Super Bowl last year but we couldn't do it two straight seasons. This saddens me big time.
I still love Little Miss Sunshine.
I started playing WoW and have a lvl 71 Human Priest named Taye on Anubarak. I just love healing.
I love Rock Band 2.
and... I am... pretty much the same since my last visit on this site.
Anyway, good to know that you guys are still active and, can't wait to interact with you guys.