bluclwd Blog
360 Degrees of Aggrevation
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Rage Against Microsoft
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e 3 2 0 0 7 thoughts
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summer games
by bluclwd on Comments
is it just me or are ther like no good games in the summer. i really don't understand why publishers don't realese games when kids are out of school. i mean, i'm not in school, but i have more free time in the summer than i know what to do with. then, they tease us with E3, and right around the end of august or the begining of september there is a flood of great games that i don't have time for and can't seem to get enough money together for right away. i guess while waiting for Two Worlds, i'll watch E3 on G4 and daydream about a good game to play. btw, Overlord is a pretty good game, just not great. does anyone elseagree with me about the lack of summer games and E3?
xbox live or not
by bluclwd on Comments
i love oblivion
by bluclwd on Comments
hi everyone...i haven't been up here lately because oblivion has been consuming all my free time. it's the greatest rpg i've played in the longest time. i was kinda skeptical at first but it has already proven its self. there are some things i am having trouble with though. does anyone know where i might go to get some advice or help with some of the basic mechanics of the game? i bought the game used and it didn't have an instuction manual. i don't even know how to cast spells. i don't use magic that much, but it would be nice to know. i'm more of a swordswoman myself. if you can help me let me know. thanx.:D
yep yep
by bluclwd on Comments
i got my x box 360 today. yea:D! now are there any good rpgs on there yet? if anyone knows of any let me know.... also what is this game two worlds about? i keep hearing about it but nothing in particular. i know it's for the 360, but that's it. someone please tell me about it i'm begging, please......:|
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