He is the man, the myth, the legend...
Or at least that is what we are making him. I have read numerous posts and blogs about how "evil" this man is. How he is ruining games and the industry, but I disagree.
Now before you post with seething rage that I disagree let me explain why. Look at the industry now from just a few years ago when it was still "underground" and nerds ruled the video game landscape.
Kotik is just a scapegoat, a face to the change we have all noticed over the years. He is saying what most of us fear and that is that video games are a business. It is here to make money. But this wasn't as prevalent before. We didn't have the "casual" gamers or the trophies to slake our unquencahble thirst for recognized accomplishment. I remeber when games took longer to finish, secrets abound and replay value was something to consider in a games overall rating.
The evil CEO that we all despise is one of many but he laid out his business plan and it shocked us into realizing we are consumers, we aren't special and we are just a faceless number to them. I found that honesty refreshing. I didn't necessarily like his message but it made me think about things on a broader scale.
He said that he wanted to charge more for games and people were outraged, but look at some other reasons for this other then greed. I know a handful of people who have hacked systems and download games illegally, not to mention Gamestop's policy of purchasing just enough to cover preorders and then waiting to resell used games at exorbitant prices thus taking money away from the developers.
People complain about his ideas on Guitar Hero but look at sports games. They are all the same game with a few adjustments and an updated roster, I would think by now that would be easily taken care of as DLC but people still pay the $60 dollars for that every six months.
In the end Kotik's ideas are not new he just happened to open many peoples eyes to an escalating problem in the video game community. I don't agree with him but I can't blame him for doing what works.
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