I don't care if it's good or not, as long as it doesn't have negative percussions on the next games. I don't like the art style. It looks generic and stupid. Sure, maybe kind of smooth and nice to look at but not interesting. Another thing, the creatures/enemies/character design. Some of what I've seen looks alright and if they remade those creatures without the cartoony proportins I've seen so far they could probably be kind of cool, but things like the big skeleton dude just look outrageous and out of place in a TES game. Other things that bug are the fact the Argonians are my favorite race and their design looks like it's been raped. They're even more goofy looking then the damn skeleton. Their facial structure and tails look ripped out of f*cking Mickey Mouse. Aside from all this, I expect it to be an average game. Nothing special, and definately not worth a monthly fee if they do that. It looks uninspired and meh. Maybe fun as long as the surface features appear kind of new, but the core game looks like something we've all done before. I don't see any lasting appeal. All in all, if it has no effect on the aesthetic of the next game and whatever location they make it in, I could care less about this game unless it turns out to be exceptionaly good, which I'm highly skeptical of. In fact, I call it. Average game, short live-span for most gamers, waste of money and hopefully they realise how stupid this was. Whatever. GTAV should hopefully out in the next few months and Fallout 4 . . . some time in the near future. Here's what I just remembered thinking earlier, I think the most damage it can do is ruin the mystery and creative options for of the next TES if it's somewhere we haven't really beem. I didn't play anything before Morrowind so I don't ecactly where we've been, but since I was like 80 hours into Skyrim I kept wondering what the other provinces would look like. Looking at Morrowind and Skyrim, I'm sure they could do all kinds of cool things with a place like Elsweyr or Valenwood if they spent enough time on it. Right now I see most locations in the new provinces looking very similar. Look at how different Riften and Markarth are. I don't think they'll do something like that in the new provinces in TESO. I expect a lot of cities with similar buildings and a generic setup. Imagine if Skyrim was nothing but Dawnstars. That's what I dread the most for the game, them killing ideas for new areas and enemies before they exist.
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