ive always said it i love my 360..but i despise microsoft and their ways..im not saying their xbox 1 policies are set in stone but i dont see them changing anything now just because of what sony did or didnt do at e3. i honestly think microsoft is going to have to broken and humbled by huge financial loss before they realize what mistakes theyve made and that ppl just wont accept anything and everything they dish out. their sheer hubris is breathtaking to me..
i wont buy a console thats has to be always online..but i seriously doubt i invest in a next gen anyways..
i kind of hope micro$oft tries this and it fails miserably to the point it almost puts them out of business..some of theses corporations need to be taught a bit of humility and messing with their $$ may be the only way to do it..
@Talavaj i think they said that after that part when you actually get out onto the island it opens up and you can do what you want..that first hour is just story/tutorial..
@clr84651 @Sgthombre gamespot reviews always sound like nitpicking. and most of its just silly little things that the normal player wouldnt even notice..
i dont see the problem here..im pretty sure this is nothing compared to what will be done and shown in game..its just another case of the media blowing something out of perorations to get coverage..
blueboykc's comments