Got a NEW SITE !!!!
by bluedog8050 on Comments
A friend and I got together and made a FREE website on Invisionfree Forums called Mega Nintendo Forums! It has everything from a fully operational pm system to a its very own private chat room. I am really exited about it. All that means I won't be updating my blog that often because I'LL have to concentrate more on my new site. We are also REALLY desperate for any new members to our site, and once you join, we will give you 10 points twards your rank for every friend you get to join. If you get enough points we just may make you a moderator. The url is: As a member you can pm friends post just like you do hereĀ on Game Spot. (except it is harder to become a mod on GS) Were even working on a couple of surprises. Please help support our site and tell all your friends about Mega Nintendo A.S.A.P. Thanx 4 your support =), Bluedog8050 (Admin of Mega Nintendo)