That was absolutely Hilarious! Also watched the getting kicked off of live version. Even though it was the same with differint subtitles, it was great too.
bluescratch93's forum posts
People, People, everyone calm down it's only a game. I say everyone put a leash on their Xbox's and PS3s and take them for a walk. Maybe all of you can meet over coffee and afterwards go to an alley to rub some illicit Vicks VapoRub into your bellies and relax. I'd join ya but my GameCube is trained to attack and it would attack your systems.
Every big game reaks of American. And a lot are set in America or based on it's exploits.
A game set in Manchester was a breath of fresh air. Do you even know where Manchester is?
So you're from England, huh? Didn't we pull you out of a couple of jams? That was a hundred or so years after we spanked you....twice!
You're either actually stupid, or just kidding.
I hope the latter.
If it's the former, maybe you should read a history book or two? You know, one not made and distributed only in america.
Let's see, We're not colonies so that part of my post is right. You were getting smacked pretty good until after D-Day. Granted Russia helped also but hey, you'd be a lot more bland without us.[QUOTE="bluescratch93"][QUOTE="Stats_"]
I'd pretty much accept anywhere but America. I don't see why devs love America so much, it's so bland, and it's been done so much.
Bland? Guess ya never been here huh? I suppose if your stuck in a wheat field in the midwest. Get out of that and find the nearest city.Your guess would be incorrect. I've been there several times. You don't have to go there to knwo what it looks like. It's all over TV, like ... constantly.
Wheat field? midwest? I don't live in a wheat field. I live in a City my friend.
The next time you're here you'll have to get out of the hotel room and go for a walk. I liked England my self, and I won't begrudge you for preferring your home, but hands down our beaches and mountains are way better than yours.I could list more but I'll stick to that which is undeniable.Are you serious? Almost all games are based else where, the only games i can name that take place in america is the game America, freedom fighters, resistance 2, and that one crappy game that came out this gen that is about if we lost WW2 and what not.[QUOTE="Sully28"]
I'd pretty much accept anywhere but America. I don't see why devs love America so much, it's so bland, and it's been done so much.
Most realistic games are based in euorpe or the middle east, sometimes in asian countries(BF2 in some levels)
Resistance 2 was a nice change of scenery because we got to fight in US Cities that we know and see landmarks. Hell i was pumped to play resistance 2 just so i could see how they layed out chicago(my hometown)
Every big game reaks of American. And a lot are set in America or based on it's exploits.
A game set in Manchester was a breath of fresh air. Do you even know where Manchester is?
So you're from England, huh? Didn't we pull you out of a couple of jams? That was a hundred or so years after we spanked you....twice!
Bland? Guess ya never been here huh? I suppose if your stuck in a wheat field in the midwest. Get out of that and find the nearest city.I'd pretty much accept anywhere but America. I don't see why devs love America so much, it's so bland, and it's been done so much.
[QUOTE="blazingneo32089"]Should I get the following games to play on my Wii(GCN controller) or the Xbox version(360 controller)? 1) Beyond Good And Evil 2) Prince of Persia Trilogy 3) Metal ArmsTalldude80
I know this may sound sort of like a stupid question but what does GCN stand for exactly? PS = Play Station, N64 = Nintendo 64, SNES = Super Nintendo Entertainment System, but GCN? Game Cube Nintendo? doesnt sound right to me.
GCN does stand for Game Cube Nintendo. Seems there were copyright problems with some company so they couldn't use NGC.You mean the good old days before internet? If you want that go to E Bay and get a used NES. Game play is better than ever. I played some Halo on a friends Xbox and loved it. Checked out a PS3 and now can't decide what to get. Only reason I'm getting a new console is my Gamecube doesn't fill my screen on my new tv. Some people are more interisted in graphics and that's their choice. The key to your happiness would be just enjoy the game and don't worry what others say, it's just a thread.
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