I had one for 3-4 months that I bought used from EB and it never messed up. The only reason I don't still have it is because my ass is broke, and I had to sell it. Totally getting an Elite in 2 months when I have the $$$. Seriously, I never had a single problem, ever.-Samael-I wouldnt waste my money on an elite, reason: The elites are made with the same disc drive as the first launched 360's!! Which is ridiculous Microsoft needs to be more focused on customer care then they should be on making an extra buck!!
bluntedGRINCH's forum posts
Hey guys, Twist here, and i know i havent been around lately due to me actualy..... playing my 360. Anyway if anyone remembered I won my 360 from Everyten minutes. Just like a few of my other contest winners, their 360s broke on them but fortunatly (or unfortunatly) theirs happened soon after it came out. Unfortunatly for me however, my death occured about an hour ago. Now just to make things clear, I loved my 360, i actually dusted it off, bought every accesory for it, gently handled with it, you know loved it. The death was coming ever since a week ago with my 360 freezing and then glitching and when restarted showed 3 rings of light, but today it was finalized when it shut off after play GoW with my best friend. Anyway to the point of the thread. I called up microsoft and asked them about my console and they said what I heard from so many others, your console is not currently under the warranty so you must pay $140 to repair it. I then asked about since i won my 360 from Mountain dew, if I got some kindof special warranty, but she just told me that was between me and Mountain dew. So I did alittle research, actually my research was about a year ago from the fear of my 360 breaking. I found a website about "Implied Warranty" where it is talked about if your 360 broke, you are under a implied warranty that it should be fixed ( Link: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/buspubs/warranty.htm#top ), and since i live in North Carolina, I should be under it for 4 years. This apparently worked for one guy, (Link: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/lofiversion/index.php/t588944.html ) My option before i rely on this, is that I can contact Mountain Dew/Pepsi and convince them to get microsoft to repair my 360 for free, but I cant call until monday, however i emailed them. If any lawyers out there can tell me any advice on the subject or can tell me if this will work or not, please reply, and if anyone else wants to respond, go ahead.TwisterxiMS SUCKS A BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!!! From all the posts that ive read this one makes the most sense, im not a lawyer but this sounds like what where all going through and i bet if you call and ask to talk to a supervisor and tell him about the implied warranty. They then should be more then willing to take care of you. I personally havent tried this yet but im going to call today.
so.....anyone have any idea what i can do to fix this problemsamremnantIf this is your only prob. then you need a new hard drive!!!!!!!!!!
See I bought mine at Wal-Mart why? Because when my 360 does break I'll just take it in the box and give it back in exchange for a new one. (no receipt required for even exchanges) This is why I love Wal-Mart =)Stockman So your saying you can just take it back with no reciept and get a new one? I didnt buy mine from wal-mart but i've had friends take back games they didn't buy from wal-mart and get store credit! So you think it will work with a 360???????
Theres no telling how long your 360 will last sometimes it will last a year other times it could last 3 months. I myself have already been through three 360's. I found that if you dont have the warrenty through the store that you purchased it from its best to go buy another one and the warrenty. Every 360 i have gotten (besides the new one from the store) HAS BROKE!!!I sat on the phone and argued with some dumb a** foreign b******* and got no where! They told me that my warrenty just HAPPEND to run out two weeks before i called!
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