No real surprise here. GS reviewers typically give linear narrowly narrative-centric games way better score than open or semi-open type games. Former is easier to review in a short time frame. There's no real enjoyment of games from these professional reviewers anymore, they rather just sit back and watch the game play itself and give it a score based on what they've seen.
@cboye18: Not sure which games you've been playing but at its core the TR games are still focused on exploration. The gaming mechanics are much more varied than Uncharted, which minus the excellent plot, well designed set pieces and high production values, is exactly what you described: run-of-the-mill, cover-based shooter with tacked on stealth mechanics and antiquated platforming design. TR has a lot more in form of character progression system, tons of optional side quests and puzzles (some of which contributes to the progression system unlike the useless collectibles in Uncharted), semi open and hub based levels, all of which again reinforce the emphasis on exploration. Crystal Dynamics cut their teeth on the Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver series which are great adventure games with semi open level designs and emphasis on exploration.
@tj3n123: Different type of games. TR is a lot more about exploration and solving puzzles. Uncharted is all about telling a tightly controlled narrative. Both excel at their respective aspects.
@scottyp360: nope that's some bs. Kingdom Come had a lot more critical game breaking and frustrating bugs than SoD2 on release day but yet scored an 8.
What's gamespot smoking? This game is a real gamer's game. I guess gs hates emergent narratives in their games and would rather get everything spoon fed to them.
Though I have a decent gaming rig, I actually prefer this on the xbox because
1) wider range of skill disparity is in my favor (don't have the time to hone skills as many kb&m players)
2) less system disparity; either you're on xbox one or one x, can't pay more to have an edge in terms of fps and resolution
3) more of people I know are on xbox
Case in point, just ended up 2nd place in my 2nd solo outing (although I'm familiar with the gameplay since I played a lot of duo before hand). That would have never happen had I've been playing on pc.
bmanva's comments