Those of you who have been wondering where ive been for 2 weeks, you no need wonder whether i died of exhaustion anymore!
my house recently switched internet providers, they ****ed up, really bad. Thats why i havent been on for ages.
Did my drama exam a few days ago, a devised piece with me and my friend. The examiner liked it, but because of the fact it was BALLS anyway, i dont think i passed drama.
Oh, and if your all wondering what i chose about my game situation, i got GTA 4
now, heres the deal, GTA 4 is a great game, its fun, addictive, the characters lovable, and by far the best GTA to date (i have ALL the other GTA's) but the thing is, its not the best game ever. Its a strange game, and i think a casual addiction is what best describes how much i like it. When i play it, i cant put it down, i love it and every aspect of it, its an awesome game and i never want to put it down (longest solid playtime 9 hours 42 minutes FTW!!) but the thing is, when im not playing it, i dont feel the urge to play it.
When you get a new game, your always like WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL AND NOT PLAY MAH NOO GAME!!! With GTA, its not like that, i put it down and im like 'Ok' and then go write a blog about it. I dont know what it is, i always think of myself as a hardcore gamer, getting as much completed in the shortest amount of time and going hours on end with no other human contact, but GTA is my casual game, its my bit on the side, like cheating on all your other games with a much hotter, sexier game that you want to spend as much time as possible having sweet love with but when your not withit you dont really care.
so yea, thats my review of GTA 4, My casual drug.
see ya next time!