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trading standards thingy, and my mod

well i finaly got to do one of my trading standards thing, and it WAS AWESOME

basically, we get given some money by trading standards officers, then go into shops, and try and buy fireworks

so i was with my friend oletha, who looks about 12-13 years old (shes really small)

anyway we got kitted out (i got this awesome coat with a camera init) and we went to this shop and got some sweets (the perk of it) and we asked for some fireworks

now my friend being like 3 foot tall, it was hilarious to see the shopkeeper go ok! and just get em out for us xD

we then came out with loads of fireworks, in which the guys went in and fined her

whcih was really funny, as we were sittin in the car and there was loads of people looking into the window givin strange looks, which was hilarious, and we celebrated the awesomeness with maryland cookies :D

eventually by the end(we did 4 more shops after that, only one gave is fireworks, and it was kinda boring)we had gotten more sweets then we would have on halloween (woo! tomorow)

we got *deep breath in*two packets of jaffa cakes, two packets of maryland cookies, 2 packets of haribo starmix, a dr pepper, a fanta, a terry's chocolate orange, 2 packets of strawberry laces, a big bag of random sweets (for halloween)and i think thats it...

lets see, ive hadhalf a packet of cookies, the dr pepper, a packet of jaffa cakes andcurrently munching down on a starmix... im just waiting for the sugar to all kick in and i become really hyper :D

ok now


this is a hw2 mod, it is a halo mod, and i am part of the team *cough*pending*cough and were called HALO: HOMEFRONT (or HHF)

technically im a modeler IN TRAINING, but if youve noticed a lack of activity from me, its cos well... look at there forum, colum of overlordjebus (my name there)

we also have a page on mod db, but join the forums and talk halo stuff :D

we currently only have the longsword, destroyer, frigateand halcyon and currently have a marathon building built, and i have to make a ship so they will let me in (im making my own design, a missile cruiser)

well tahts my blog, hope to see you in HHF