well its tuesday 10:15pm here in england and im downloadin the supcom demo. Been lookin at some game music to play. right now i got 260 summit songs. mostly rock but i love eminem and his songs really put u in the mood to go online and whoop some noobs arse at a game.
talkin bout online. i played a really good match of dawn of war dark crusade with a guy named phillis summti versus 3 hard ai's. Imperial, orks and tau. not good when ur on the highest settings possible for a game. so the game lagged. alot. but not to the point where it wasnt playable.
so we were doin really well they started to swarm us but i was fending them off with my berserkers (i was chaos and he was space marines). those guys can take some punishment
1 sqaud fended off a ork swarm for about 5 minutes. I was so proud :D. and he was creating a drop pod army while i had some cultists in the corner behind the enemy so that the bloodthirster could flank em. then i had a spark of inspiration. i moved my cults in between the ork and the tau base and told him to drop pod his termies and dreds into the bases. and he did. and guess wot. the ai's fell back or did a strategic retreat or summit so i was all happy and with my 2 sqauds of berserkers and predators followin them. he gater his troops in the tau base and killed their hq just as the enemy army arrived. it was kasyr lutien so wen they crossed bridge the were caught up in a little killzone. so we slaughtered all of them. and then after ALL that wen the enemy was crippled. i got the bloodthirster. AFTER the battle. so i was like great long wait for nothin.
i cant remember his exact but it was phillis summit so if at the odd chance he looked at this im overlordjebus so like add me on friends so we can play with each other again.
so anyway wot else happened in my game world. erm except for the supcom demo nothin much happened.
seiges on big castles on medievil 2 total war break my computer. so i stopped playing it