I was walking around today thinking to myself, i havent done an actual interesting blog in a long time, how could i make blogs more interesting... and i had a spark of inspiration!
I decided that im gonna start listing all the WTF moments that have happened in my life, this can range from anything from actual world events to TV shows to game endings, and yes, there WILL be spoilers. A WTF moment is a moment in my life where i just had to say.... WTF!!!
So im gonna try and do it weekly, but ill just end up doing them whenever i want and then slowly run out of things to write about...
anyway, My first WTF moment that im going to write about! Remember, these are in no particular order and will range in length from a single picture to maybe a video to a full blown reason why i said WTF
so, here goes!
WTF Moment #1
since this is my first WTF moment that i want to do, i wanted to do something everyone has an opinion on, so here it is
WTF?!??!?!?!??! R U ****IN SRS?!
'nuff said.