It seems like the entire DLC is just a cheap way to explain things that hardly needed explaining. I still agree with the indoctrination theory, and I am still disappointed that the ending does not reflect choices made in the game. Not to mention that an evac from the Normandy steps away from where the Citadel teleport - whatever the hell it is - is cheap as hell, and Bioware is just raising more questions than answers.
Only complaint that I have is that the top banner is a bit too big, it takes up a good 1/8th of my browser page without scrolling down. Just something to think about I suppose.
All about developers, as Ricardo said. It should be fun actually getting some good competition between who's got the better motion control-supported system. I'm a Wii owner, and I've always wanted a PS3, so maybe this will make me get it. We'll see in a year or so how this all went. (Please God no more party games though)
My two 7600's with SLI still hold up quite well to today's games, in fact, they can run Crysis on low, which isn't saying too much, but it says something. My problem is my processor, which is a two year old AMD 64 Anthlon X2. I desperatly need something new.
bnwchbammer's comments