Well, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was well worth the wait. It is truly an amazing game. Despite the linearity and shortness of the campaign, it's not a stretch to say that it was the best campaign I have ever played. It was less repetitive than BioShock and perhaps even more fun, intense, and atmospheric. Call of Duty 4's campaign, compared to most modern fictional war campaigns, was refreshing and believable, and it provides perhaps the most cinematic and intense gaming experience I have ever encountered. It's very similar to Call of Duty 2, just with better graphics, a refreshing storyline and setting, and with more variety in the settings, objectives, and weapons. It's pretty much Call of Duty 2 on steroids.
Although it's one of the best multiplayer games I've played recently, I don't like it as much as its single-player. The maps are ridiculously small and on free-for-all often aren't suitable for more than about 15 people, if even that. I'm glad they're not as big as Battlefield 2's maps, but I still wish that they were bigger. They often just turn into directionless fragfests and spawnkilling battlegrounds. However, all things considered, it's still very fun and very intense, and I'm still addicted to it.
Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I haven't played World in Conflict recently. I still plan to go back and finish the campaign, but I'm afraid I will have forgotten all of the controls. Although multiplayer sounds very fun, it also sounds very difficult. Although I really enjoy the game, it still has a very steep learning curve. However, I have found another game to occupy some of my time. I was going through the bargain bin at my local Gamestop and found Final Fantasy X. I and others always thought that it was a travesty that such a huge video game freak as me had never played a Final Fantasy game. So I bought it and I've been playing it off-and-on since. It's a pretty awesome game; I like it much better than most RPGs.
The only new game I've bought since my last blog is World in Conflict. I desperately want to play The Orange Box (after finishing Half-Life 2: Episode One), since Portal and Team Fortress 2 look so awesome. That will be the next game I get. I also had a severe problem; I lost both my Guitar Hero II and San Andreas disks. So much for getting awesome at Guitar Hero. I also never even got a chance to play San Andreas. I know they're around here somewhere, but with so many awesome games to get and play around now, I honestly won't really miss them too much.
What I plan to get next (after The Orange Box) is a new monitor. Mine sucks. I already got nice new $100 Bose speakers. They kick ass. I still plan to get Crysis and Gears of War for the PC as well. Crysis will probably come after a monitor and The Orange Box. But there are still so many other games that I want. Command & Conquer: The First Decade (which is actually 6 games mind you), Company of Heroes, God of War, Guitar Hero III, Stalker, Sins of a Solar Empire, Supreme Commander, and The Witcher are simply the ones at the top of my list. In addition, Frontlines: Fuel of War looks very promising, and I've recently become very excited about The Agency and Far Cry 2. Not to mention Mass Effect for the PC, Spore, and Starcraft II. I currently have 25 games on my wishlist, and I really do want all of them (although I could survive without a few of those). I need a job, badly. Been unemployed since December, and now with a cell phone bill to pay and so many games to buy, in addition to a monitor, I need one desperately.
Finally, I plan to go back and rewrite my reviews. My writing skills have improved and I want to utilize the new scoring system. I will also write some new reviews soon. Stay tuned!