bob_rulz / Member

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E3 impressions; Spore personal best

For the second year in a row, Spore has won my personal best award for E3. Spore just looks so innovative, imaginative, massive, and fun, I just can't wait for it! The sheer immensity of this game boggles my mind. Many of the features that this game will have are new and innovative, and the game looks so easy to pick up and play that it's, well, insane, considering its seeming complexity.

The most disappointing thing from E3 was a lack of really, well, anything from Blizzard. They announced that Warcraft movie (dear God...) and they released more info on The Burning Crusade, but I'm sure all of us people who were waiting for some sort of announcement, update, ANYTHING on Ghost was disappointed. They didn't mention anything about Ghost. This has me believing that they are still unsure of what exactly they want to do with it, so I'm still holding out hope that it will be released. I was expecting some sort of big Starcraft-related announcement. "StarCraft: Ghost pushed back to next-gen consoles"; "StarCraft: Ghost to be released on current-gen after all!"; "StarCraft: Ghost cancelled"; or, the one I was dreaming about (just wishful thinking); "StarCraft: Ghost cancelled; StarCraft 2 in the making!" But nope, there was hardly anything. Not even a whisper. Not even a hint. Not even an acknowledgement.

Another game curiously lacking from E3 was S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. Again. Is STALKER going the route of Duke Nukem Forever to become the ultimate vaporware? I was also surprised at the lack of anything about Half-Life 2: Episode One, but it's being released in about a week anyway, so I don't have to wait long.

Other games that truly impressed me this E3 were Supreme Commander, BioShock, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Battlefield 2142, and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo 3, Fable 2, and Spore had the best trailers (out of the ones that I saw, at least). Also, Call of Duty 3 was officially announced. That makes me happy.

Well, that's all for me on my late E3 impressions.