I'm weak
by bobafett10 on Comments
I vowed to myself, "I will go a week without buying a game". It was almost mission complete, when all of a sudden, I read a news article on how MGM was being bought out by Sony and the next Bond movie was being put on hold. Then I remembered, I really liked the demo for Everything or Nothing, I wonder how much it is. A couple clicks later I got Everything or Nothing En route to my house for the low low price of $29.99 CDN (that's $19.99 for all you Americans). After I did it, I realised how I am when it comes to buying video games, I buy everything I want. Since I already broke my oath I decided to pick up Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (a long overdue purchase). So in a week that I vowed to buy NO games, I end up buying 2. At least I was partially good not buying any new releases, yea, I'll give myself that. Ok, now that I rationalized my purchases last week I will now vow not to buy any games this week, I'll give a report back next week with how I do.