Lol i really should've put all this stuff into one blog but hey...
Today's rant: sequels... I mean what the hell is Hollywood's problem!? Can't they come up with something original once in while. Doesn't it just piss you off that they have to keep recycling old formulas (some of which never worked)? I mean if a movie (or game for that matter) was good to start with, then sure make another as long as they go for quality not... money.
I mean just look at the releases we've had this year... Shrek 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Spiderman 3, Bourne 3 (but those are good movies), Rush Hour 3!!!!!!! Then the numbers go higher, Die Hard 4(.0), Harry Potter 5 and Bond 21 i think it was...
Oh and other movies to look forward too... Bond 22, Harry Potter 6, the Hobbit, Indiana Jones 4 (isn't Harrison Ford 60 or sumthing???), Jurassic Park 4 (isn't Sam Neill also 60???), the Mummy 3, Narnia 2, Sin City 2, a Star f***ing Trek movie as well as 2 more Transformers movies!!!!!
Oh and another thing... movies based on video games... COME ON!!!A movie based on a book i can handle, but on a GAME?? I mean look: Halo the movie, Tekken the movie and Hitman the movie. And we've already had a DOA movie!!! Wasn't that bad enough!?!?!?!?!?
Also, what the hell is Marvel's problem!! YOU'VE MADE ENOUGH CRAP ALREADY!!!!! We don't need a Flash movie, or a Hellboy 2 movie, or a Hulk 2 movie, or an Iron Man movie, or a Justice League movie, or a Magneto movie (which is just Xmen 4 in disguise), or a Spiderman 4 movie, or a Superman 3 or 4 or whatever the hell it is, or a Wolverine movie (that's Xmen 5 (but Hugh Jackman's a good actor so...)) or a Wonder Woman movie... I mean seriously... soon we're gonna have a G.I. Joe movie. Wait, they're already making one!? OMFG!!!!
Yeah... so many s*** movies being made