A back-story for my Xbox live gamer tag:
Twenty Eight years ago on the distant planet of Krypton a brilliant scientist and a beautiful woman had a child. That child was KalEl. After KalEl was born his parents noticed his reflexes were far superior to other kryptonians, so they had a mediclorian count test done on him. Come to find out his mediclorian count was off the charts, giving him the highest mediclorian count the galaxy had ever known.
Soon after KalEl's father found out about the mediclorian count he also found that the sun nearest to krypton was going to go supernova and destroy their home planet. Using all of his resources the brilliant scientist built a small space ship and plotted the course for earth. A somewhat inferior planet than krypton’s where the gravitational pull was much less and the yellow sun would give KalEl powers far beyond those of mortal man.
As young KalEl was rocketed away from krypton the red sun went supernova destroying all life in the Kryptonian solar system. And much like super boy-prime's story the supernova destroyed all the radioactive particles known as kryptonite, thus giving KalEl no known weakness.
After crash landing in a small town in the south KalEl grew to become a man, as he grew he found that he had extraordinary powers, such as the power to move at super speed, the power of flight, invulnerability, heightened reflexes, laser, x-ray and telescopic vision. He had a plethora of powers ( all of the powers of the superman before he was de-powered in the 80’s--- he could move planets, fly through suns, nuclear bombs couldn’t scratch him, could move at speeds close to that of the speed of light)
Soon after KalEl became superman an intergalactic threat approached earth. It was that of Darth Sidious, in the height of his reign. Some where between episode 3 and 5. After destroying a fleet of star destroyers KalEl decided he had better go see this Emperor in person. Upon doing so he learned form Darth Sidious that he was well gifted in the force. Sidious in fear of his own life taught KalEl all the ways of the Dark Jedi. After his training was complete KalEl killed Sidious with incredible ease and crushed the rebellion with his mighty powers. Now he is Mr Darth KalEl supreme ruler of the galaxy. Under his command is Darth Vader and an unstoppable army of clone storm troopers. He set up his base on Earth while the Empire scowls the galaxy crushing all that oppose its might.
Why the Mr. you ask, KalEl felt that everyone should respect his name more than any other Sith thus the Mr was added, also he teaches a small class of 6th graders every other Saturday about the ways of life.
Sometimes to get away form it all Mr Darth KalEl disguises himself as a mild mannered engineer at an engineering firm and goes though life as an ordinary person, unless trouble breaks out. Or sometimes he causes the trouble. Then he reveals that he is Mr Darth KalEl and saves or wrecks the day (depending on how he feels). He has a counsel that takes care of the galaxy ruling and the mass wealth he has accomplished and Vader and the storm troopers are his galactic police and do his grunt work, unless he feels like entering into a battle for fun Mr Darth KalEl likes to show off in a fight, sure he can move planets and crush legions of enemies with his mind, but he likes to use a light saber and martial arts to show off for his minions.
There you have it the back story for Mr Darth KalEl, who has all of the power of the Force (combined knowledge of Jedi and Sith) and of Superman (at the height of his powers in the comics including that of Superman-Prime, Super-boy Prime, and the members house of El) and none of the weaknesses, such as kryptonite or magic which doesn’t affect superboy-prime . The combination of his krypotonian powers and the mediclorian count vastly improved upon his force powers giving him telepathy that surpasses Charles Xavier of the x-men and telekinesis that surpass even Jean Gray when she was at the peak of her powers as the Dark Phoenix. His mind powers are so vast he can actually regulate his powers, for example he can turn his super strength to range from where he can bench pres around 250lbs like a normal human to where he can lift a mountain chain or move a planet (why would he want to de-power himself you ask – well he cant crush everyone he comes in contact with and he may want to make sweet love and not have that super speed turned all the way up). The mediclorians also act as a catalyst for the yellow sun absorbing the suns power so that he never needs to be recharged and always has his super powers no matter where in the galaxy he is, or what color sun he is under. The culmination of his powers also gave him a new power unknown to that of the force or kryptonians, the power of the mastery of time. He can travel back and forth through time, pause, fast forward, and rewind time itself, he can even go back in time and relive days of his past so he can set right from wrong (much like the movie groundhog day except he can pick and choose which days to relive). Many times has Mr Darth KalEl destroyed things in anger that he felt he was wrong for doing, thanks to this power he can rewind or relive that day fixing even his own mistakes.
Although Mr Darth KalEl is the supreme ruler of the universe, and the only person in the galaxy with super powers, he spends most of his time fighting for what’s right. He lets the nations of the world govern themselves as long as they know he is really in charge. If they oppose him he usually smites them. Most of the story’s of Mr Darth KalEl take place while he is in his alter ego, Bob. He lives in the United States of America and uses the news paper and TV news as a source of entertainment. When the paper reports a wrong (such as a kidnapping, murder, ect..). Mr Darth KalEl uses his powers of time manipulation to go back and stop the crime before it was able to be committed. On the 7th day of the week Mr Darth KalEl always rest to show respect to the creator of the universe, Mr Darth KalEl doesn’t know why God let him have such unfathomable powers, but he sure is glad he did.
I may write some stories of Mr Darth KalEl righting wrongs after he reads them in the paper if I have time………..
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