In the next few months there are quite a few superhero movies coming out........superman and x-men 3 to name the big 2
As a kid growing up i always wanted to be superman. Since i saw superman 2 when i was about 5 until now.
What powers would i want if i could pick and choose, or if i could only have one power what would it be??
If i could have them all i would pick
--- superman's physical powers - strength - speed - flight - laser and xray vision and invunarability
--- xavier and jean greys mental powers - mind read - mind probe - move objects with your mind and watnot
--- the last is not realy a power but i would want the ability to relive days of my life like on groundhog day, except i could pick and choose the days - what a great power that would be
could be 3 wishes too
i dont know what i would pick if i could only pick one
i would probably pick ----- the relive each day power like on groundhog day