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boboboj Blog

I'm back.

Well I'm kinda back . Sorry for being gone for so long and not saying anything thing. But I proubly going to be back for good or not. Also I got a Wii.

You made me do this...



Ok I want 20 comments on the blog post. (even if it's spam)

Atleast 1 comment on the rest of my blogs

Meet these demands and I wont kill them.

Break out

Ok everything in my house seems to be breaking. The printer, the washer/dryer, and now my ipod nano. We already got a new printer it has a LCD screen and everything. We were going to get a new dryer but my mom wanted to check other stores. I'm not getting another ipod either until Q4 to see if they release and newer version.

Other things well one dude call me the "import guy" so I guess that is good. Now that Gamespot works with Word again I can update my recommendation thread and spell right.....yeah. Also I'm saving up for the Wii this summer. I hope Metroid Prime 3 comes out because that one of the games I want. I started Pikmin 2 and Dragon Quest VIII to there both really great games.

BTW I'm trying to make my blogs more interesting so you well have no choice but to post in them mwhahaha.....


Well I have been sick and my whole family has been sick also since someday so I'm staying home today I mdae it to Northern Crater in Final Fantasy VII on the second disc. Well this is a short blog because my ear is hurting. Also sorry for not posting in everbody union and stuff I've been sick and mstly been playing Final Fantasy VII.

Can't thing of a topic title

Ok well this is what has been happening/doing since my last blog.

Well I'm going to get 2 more emblems soon. One of them is the down with a sickness emblem easteast is helping me get it. He well help you get it to just PM him. The next that I'm hoping to get is the scavenator emblem. I played the game and posted on the topic so I hope I get it.

Next yesterday there was a glitch so I couldn't post on Gamespot or do anything. So I hade to play...

Final Fantasy VII I played it for about 10 hours in totall I just got out of the Golden Saucer. I hope I beat the game this time. Here is the reason why I haven't beat it. From a previous blog.

Well the first time I played this game I was really hard I was 7 or so then I stopped playing it. The 2nd time I was like 11 played it I got really far into disc two then I got stuck. I went the mansion to get Vincent then some really weird things happened it freaked me out then I stopped playing. But I'm going to play it again a actually beat it this time but I need a memory card.

The memory card I got works fine so that is good.

Now sorry that I haven't righten the GORILLAZ vs MUNKEES C3 yet I have been busy. Here is a short preveiw of the 3rd chapter.

Chapter 3 Confrontation

Boboboj and 3abden just reached the top of the entrence to the cave forest the 2 guards sudenly appeard and ask us what do you want

"We want to speak to the king" 3abden said.

"What bussnise do you have with the king?" ask one of the guards.

"I think you know" said boboboj.

"O I see then come this way" said one of the guards.

The guards took them to the throne room.

There they found LINKTHECHAMPION setting one his throne and next to him his advisor oni-link...

Well I hope you liked it and the full version well becomeing soon.

Do I even have to type good

Well I finaly found a PS1 memory card for $5. But it's red :(. I already have a red PS2 memory card but they look diffrent but it's steal kinda weird. I wanted the gray but they were sealing it for $20 :?. So now I can finaly beat Final Fantasy VII w00t. But first I need to beat Final Fantasy XII.

Now I also became a officer at Diamond Designs. I would have said no but the leader begged me to do it. No really he really begged. You should just see the PMs he sent me.

The I finished Chapter 1 and 2 for the GORILLAZ vs MUNKEES story. the links are below.



The bad new section I steall haven't made the New Irken Armade yet.

Somebody called me "boob job"

Well this guy was looks at my username and he thought it said "boob job" he thinks he is dislexic. So yeah that was weird.

But if you look at it backwards it can looks like it said that or something.....

hehe I'm mean (well not really)

Well I have got sick and tired of all these what color should I get and what game should I buy threads so I went to ask the mods they change the title of my recommendation thread a little bit. Then they told me to report all the people that make what color should I get and what game should I get threads. I'm not usually tatel tail but it was getting out of hand. The mods said to put them under "other" then type in "topic already stickied" it worked a few times. So I recommend everbody report these threads because there getting out of hand.

More blog and teh boboboj challenge

Ok well as you can see I got some more emblems: old-school, voted twice, and tagger dabbler. I also want more emblems I thinking about uploading some video but I need some advice on what videos to make. BTW my three E3 emblems look really good now.

I steal havent made the new Irken Armada yet because a glitch on Gamespot . They said it well be fixed on Monday so I hope I can make it then. Also in case you havent heard yet i'm going to be the new leader of the Irken Armada.

Now for teh boboboj challenge. Alright here it is the first person to get the tagger master emblem well when a special prize hehehe. The rules or simple first one to get the tagger master emblem wins a grand prize but all you get the emblem well get a other prize that is also good hehehe. BTW to get the tagger master emblem you need to tag 1,000 things. Also I'm competing in this compitetion but I wont get anything if I win :cry:. You ask why do I do this I was board :|

anathor blog all about stuff

Well 3abden updated my new sig check it out. Rate it out of 10


Then other new I'm going to be the new leader of the Irken Armada.  But first I need to make the new Irken Armada...

Well in FFXII I beat Ring Wyrm yes Ring Wyrm :lol::lol::lol: he was actualy the hardest hunt that I have ever faced and had the most HP that I have seen in the game so gar he had over 12,000 HP wich is alot now in the game my people only do 500 - 1,000 per hit and some times I get a chain wich could go from 2,000 - 4,000. So yeah he took a long time. My sister forgot to mail FFTA so your goingt to have anathor week or two or maybe even three of just FFXII :(

Well I guess that is about it so yeah.

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