I played online with some friends the Night before launch, but ever since the NXE I can't join parties and can't voice chat Private or any other kind. I basically can't play anything online. It says there's a connection fail. So I tested my connection and it was strong. I used the same connection for 2 years now and played online without any mishaps. Now I can't join anything online without it failing and kicking me back. Anyone have any Info on this? Anyone had this happen to them?
Plus My Video quality is horrid for NETFLIX! I use the same Connection for my Computer and the Quality is great then I hook it to the Xbox and it s one big blur once the movie starts? Is there a setting I need to change or is something else? Any help would be appreciated.
Basically the same thing happens to me. Happened a couple weeks before NXE's release and i could still connect to several friends, but as the days have gone by ive began to be able to connect to less and less people. Now i can barely play with my friends anymore.
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