how can you say that america is greater then canada. we don't bomb thing that really don't need bombing, we don't have the dumbest leader on the face of the earth running our country right into the ground, and we don't think that we are the best thing since god. Now your comment is exacty why your hated equally by every other country in the world. sure you may have allies among them but...HAHAHAHAHA they would destroy you if you twitched the wrong way. Ur army is disappearing faster then bushes brain cells. Who is the greatest country...well it sure isn't the states. And no. i'm not saying that canada is the best. we also have our lil probs...the best country though would have to be........sweden. cuz all their women are hot :D OH and to add to the real topic. Best game from the US....would have to be Counter Strike Source. Created by canada and made into one of the biggest games with the assistance of the americans.
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