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bobsmith12 Blog

Merry Christmas eve everyone

Well here I am stuck in vermont having to snowboard instead of playing Viva Pinata, and before you say that I could have brought along my 360 know that they have a total of one crappy 13 inch TV lol. So I guess I will have to make do with all the snowboarding which so far has been a blast. Anyway I have been extremely suprised at my growing dependancy on Viva Pinata and all the goofy residents of my garden. Even when I bought it I was thinking that all the game mags and web sites were playing some big joke on the general consumers out here but boy were they right look for my review later. For all you other Pinata fans out the there is an awsome wiki site at  Sorry no link, for some reason the link maker is not working right now. Well thats all I got for now, so have a merry christmas.

Viva Pinata Baby!

My first post in a long time yay, and hopefully it won't be so long till next time since I am no longer deployed. The funny thing is the entire time I was waiting  to play my 360 I was looking forward to maybe Gears of War or some other game for the system and what do I get Viva Pinata LOL. How can a game so goofy looking be generating such great reviews? So hopefully I will post more and let you know how good the game is in my opinion, because everyone knows the reviews have been great. The other game I bought even though I cannot find a Wii but could not resist is Zelda. How fanboyish is that? Don't have the system to actually play the game but I have the game and an extra controller, fun I can pretend to play the game just like I am a kid again. Oh well real life calls good to be back.

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time

I'll tell you what this is the best game I have played in a while on par with Half-Life 2 ep. 1. Now before I get the hate mail, they are both equal in different ways and for the very reasons I play them. Still playing this one and if you can believe it I am playing this game at home. Guess there is a first time for everything. Well I would rather be playing a game then typing so I will post later and bother everyone.

DS Lite

Not going to say much just going to say if you don't have a DS Lite yet do yourself a favor and buy one. I have an original and I still went and bought this one. Well worth it in my opionion. Hopefully these will get longer and more of a point to these posts but right now I got a new toy so holler at you later.:D

Back again, and up to no good

In case you haven't noticed I am not the most prolific poster in the world. In fact that is most likely a major understatement, but hey that's life. Anyway looking forward to getting the DS Lite tommorrow like a lot of you guys, just saw one in person and the new screens really make it a worthwhile buy. Picking up a couple more games, so we will see, can't wait to play through New Mario. The one game you guys should pick up though is Half-Life 2 Ep. 1. Probably my favorite game of the past 6 months. One last thing I talk about is you should go see cars now! Do not pass go just leave the house now and go see this movie its that good.

Fanboyism in General

I realized today as I went to try and go post in the forums that it really is not worth the effort. Everywhere you look whether it is in the Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony areas instead of talking intelligently about all three different platforms, everyone is to busy defending their platform of choice. For me it depends on the games and how they play little else, if I like the game I will buy the platform regardless of cost, even though $600 is pushing it. Like a lot here who seem to be in the minority or just choose not to be called name or don't seem to post in the forums I own every system out except for the X-box, so you won't find me bashing any of the systems because eventually I will own all of them. The only real thing I am worried about is that the Playstation 3 won't sell well because of the high price. I like competition and with Sony and Microsoft duking it out, neither will rest on their laurels. One last thing, nice job gamespot I have greatly enjoyed the coverage so far especially the HD Feeds. Keep up the good work.