I read an article on Vgchartz that even though Sony will give 30 day free trail the PSN store wont be back online and Sony has yet to announce when the PSN Store will come back online....So even though the plus symbol will look nice next to our PSN names without the PSN Store the 30 free trail will be useless.
boklau's forum posts
Don't worry I won't waste my money on the same game 3 times...but think about it took 10+ years to make SF4 don't you think Capcom could have put all of the content form AE in the Original SF4. But they love to milk consumers who are too blind and keep letting capcom getting away with re-release the same game 3+ times with numerous franchises they own.........Wake UP!!!!!!!!!!
Can't believe people are still falling for Capcom's old tricks.....didn't they say a while back that Super was the final version of SF4 and now this...whats next Ultra Edition. Give me a break and stop milking the consumers hard earned money Capcom.
I still don't get why people buy capcom games when all they do is re-release the same game over and over just to milk the consumer.They purposely put a game half finished just so they can re-relaese it to "fix balancing isuues or Bugs" .Now they want to release Super Street figther 4 Arcade Edition when they stated Super was the final version. NOt to mention The infamous Resident Evil series which has its own share of releaeases and many more game series. Enough is enough, you people need ot wake up.
What is your view on DLC, Do you think of it as Fan service fro the developers or just developers milking the consumers for not putting that content in the game on release date? Please discuss your views.
Any news about when Gamestop will give out beta key?
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